At the Stroke of Midnight: New Goals! | The Hundred Wellness Centre

At the Stroke of Midnight: New Goals!

December 15, 2015



As the New Year approaches each year, many of us start thinking of our “resolutions”. It can be very exciting to begin new plans like joining a gym to get fit, reading more books or even losing some weight. But, as most of us know from past experience, the novelty usually wears off leaving us bored and discouraged. We’re suddenly confronted with the day-to-day challenges of sustaining our goals, and unexpected events throwing us off course. Disappointingly, one day of missing our goals then leads to missing the next day, until we feel defeated and our goals are abandoned.

This process can be frustrating but it’s important to understand that change takes time, energy, effort, and a lot of patience. Patience allows you to commit to long-term results and outcomes, and helps you to not get discouraged by the short-term obstacles and setbacks. Long-term results will only come as a result of a change in behaviour, perspective, habits and, sometimes even, priorities. You therefore cannot just decide at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve to set your New Year’s Resolutions in motion and expect that you realistically know what it takes to achieve them!

To help you along the way, here are some tips on how to achieve your goals:


Tell others what you want your goals to be or write them down so you are always reminded of them.

The trick to sticking to your resolutions is to keep them real, simple and realistic. If they are too challenging or unachievable, you won’t keep them up!


Make a list of easy resolutions that you can keep without too much effort so you stay motivated.


This is one of the most effective visualization techniques available to you. It is a representation of where you are going with your dreams, goals and life. It is a chance for you to set your focus on what you want to achieve in the coming months and years.

So this year let it be different. Close the book of quick NYE resolutions and turn over a new leaf. Set no start dates and make no promises. Let the New Year bring a focus on the process, not only on the result. Good luck and let us know how you get on!