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summer travel

It’s that time of year again—Summer. And most probably your plan is to fill your days with visits to the beach, traveling, lots of food and exploring…Leaving your wellness routine as the last thing on your mind. But let us ask you this, how many times have you said upon returning home from your summer vacation:  “Now I need to detox and get back on track.” -And the truth is: Who hasn’t? When traveling, trying new foods, and exploring new places, it’s completely normal to treat yourself to a little more than you normally would. But we don’t want you to stress about it, so we’ve put together a few easy steps that will make your summer travels and then your return home a whole lot easier and healthier.

Commit to one fresh and healthy meal daily (at least) – There isn’t anything wrong with experiencing all the amazing cuisines and dishes a new city can offer, but having several heavy meals in a day can be hard on the body. So be gentle with yourself, and plan for at least one ‘healthy’ meal a day and make it count. Many places you visit will have amazing markets where you can pick up fresh local produce. If you’re staying in an apartment, or even a hotel with a small kitchen, try to occasionally prepare your own fresh meals. Of course, cooking isn’t an option on every trip, so for those times when you’ll be eating in restaurants regularly, look for the farm-to-table restaurants, and eat in tune with the summer season.

Routine – Staying healthy while traveling isn’t just about eating well and getting in the occasional workout. Little things like your skincare, vitamin regimen and mindfulness practices should all be maintained while traveling too. It’s easy to consider travel time as time-off from taking care of yourself in the usual way, but practicing total health during your trip will make your vacation all the more enjoyable. If you take regular vitamins(and you should!), be sure to pack them in a travel container so that you can take them with you without taking up too much space in your suitcase. If you regularly schedule time to meditate or take time to yourself, make sure you do the same while traveling. Trust us, keeping these routines won’t add any restrictions to your trip, on the contrary, they’ll help you to feel your best while traveling.

Switch up your workout – We can all probably agree the one of the best parts about vacation is NOT setting an alarm, and instead following your body’s internal clock. Vacations also mean no strict plans for the day, which means exercise can be completed at any time and any place. Just as you are exploring a new culture, why not explore new activities? While away form home why not rent a bike and ride along the water or through the city. Or jump in the pool for some laps. And if you are on vacation with family, find a group sport and play a round of tennis or beach volleyball. The point is to make time for fitness on your vacation without making it a chore. The options are endless, and it’s a fun chance to get creative with your workout and explore the outdoors.


As you can see, with a good travel plan, it’s not hard to maintain your wellness routine while you are away from home. All you need is some planning, organisation, and a positive attitude. Remember to have fun and enjoy the journey. Do the best you can to make every day a healthy and happy one!


Hands down the question we hear the most in Ramadan is: What can I eat for Suhoor that will nourish, sustain and keep me feeling full through the following day of fasting. To answer this question we are having a throw-back to a blog post written by our very own Asma Lootah. Working closely with all things healthy, and having fasted Ramadan for most of her life, we couldn’t think of a better person to weigh in on this matter. So grab a pen and paper, and read on for some great Suhoor meal ideas and recipes!

Originally posted two Ramadan’s ago, here is what Asma had to say:

One of the challenges with Ramadan and fasting is what to eat at Suhoor while keeping it healthy, so I wanted to share these 4 simple recipe options that are delicious, but also keep me full and sustained while I am fasting. I have tried to include something for everyone whether sweet or savoury. Please note that I am not a nutritionist I am just an avid healthy food lover! However I did consult with our in house Clinical Homeopath Dr. Sean Penny for his input on my choices.

In choosing what food type to eat for Suhoor Dr. Sean says “Complex carbs provide the body with adequate fuel to sustain throughout the fasting hours. The goal is to consume complex carbs like sweet potato, quinoa, veggies etc. I also recommend some protein as well to reduce the sugar spike that occurs with the different carbs.” Continue reading “revisited | 4 nourishing & delicious suhoor recipes”


Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family: Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.” — Jane Howard


One of the most basic human needs is the need to belong, and to feel loved and accepted by others.  We all want to be a part of something bigger. We all want to experience a sense of community. To have a group of like-minded people that are on the same wavelength, and are on the same page supporting each other sharing ideas, interests and working in harmony — be it professional, or personal.

Your tribe members are those people who accept you just as you are, and who want the very best for you.  They make you feel understood, and they encourage you to go after your goals and pursue your dreams.  The members of your tribe also help you to get through difficult times, and provide you with a sense of community and support. Your tribe is made up of ‘your people.’

At the Hundred we know these ‘people’ and we have been blessed to have our own family/tribe grow slowly but surely over the years. And while many often think of slow growth as defective, we strongly disagree, because the truth is that all good things grow slow—dreams, fruit, businesses and relationships.

Gardeners sometimes like to plant trees labeled ‘fast growing’ for highly sought-after quick results. But here’s the thing —fast-growing trees don’t have deep enough roots to last through storms and droughts. Good things need time to take root and grow. A slower more organic pace will help your roots stretch deep and wide. Trust us it’s okay to grow slow. As a result of our organically paced growth, we have the most amazing tribe and community of  people who share common interests and values and show genuine appreciation and care for each other.

This Ramadan follow us on Instagram as we will share a little more about the heartbeat of The Hundred Wellness Center, our people, our tribe and family!

get 'unstuck' with Beryl

Beryl Comar —A name that for many is synonymous with safe haven, and there are very few people in the UAE (and beyond) of whom have not heard her name before. Beryl has been helping clients overcome their fears and to achieve their goals for years now, and has been active in the hypnotherapy field since the early 1990s, building a reputation by helping hundreds of people work through their various issues and struggles. She is widely known for being the first person to introduce hypnotherapy, NLP, and EFT coaching and training into the Middle East and North Africa regions. Since 1999, she has conducted USA certified coaching and training sessions focused on these three core models, and in 2006, she was awarded the Gold Master Trainer status from the National Federation of Neuro Linguistic Programming. And in typical Hundred Wellness style we have been quietly working behind the scenes to facilitate something amazing for our community this month.. Whilst in UAE for the upcoming month, Beryl will be seeing clients at The Hundred Wellness Centre to conduct private sessions using a combination of counselling, coaching, hypnosis, NLP and EFT sessions for a variety of issues including: fears, phobias, stress, anxiety, relationships, communication, quit smoking, hypno-fertility, pain management, anger management, insomnia, grief, sadness amongst other things.

So if you find yourself feeling conflicted or troubled by something and you can’t seem to work through it on your own, Beryl is available to help you sort out things out a with a non-judgemental and compassionate approach. So what do you think? Ready for a session? Call us on +9714 344 7333 or email us to book your session today.

sweet tooth

There is a time, a place (and an amount) that is actually ok for indulgences. This rule applies even more during the Holy month of Ramadan when the cravings for sweets are running wild! What we have found helps our clients is using the term “Conscious Indulgence” which helps them strike the perfect balance in finding a place for the occasional decadence, in their otherwise healthy diets.

This concept we find works well in Ramadan mainly because with fasting the cravings are intense, and we are trying to stick to a healthy eating plan but we also want to indulge. And the way that many of us manage that, is by eating sweets that are “ fat-free” so that we can eat without guilt, or fear of derailing our healthy diets. But this is exactly what you DON’T want to do!  When it comes to your nutrition, trying to trick your mind by thinking “these gummy bears are ok because they are fat free” can derail you from your goals. So don’t eat sweets for the wrong reasons. You may think the handful of jelly beans is a better diet choice than the small piece of Kunafa because after all, they’re just sugar, but the Kunafa has fat, well here’s the truth… ALL the extra calories you eat will get turned into fat — whether from sugar, fat or protein.

And let’s be honest for a second.. Most likely when you are eating a dessert you aren’t eating it for it’s nutritional value, you are eating it for the taste and the pleasure of indulging. So choose the indulgence you actually want, not the one you think you should want, and then manage the portions. This way you can control the cravings better and stay on track.

This Ramadan, give yourself rules that work for you, and stick to them. Think back to past years and remember what has NOT worked for you when you’ve tried to lose or maintain weight while staying healthy during Ramadan, and write them down. Then, write down what you will do differently this time.

So maybe in the past you’ve allowed yourself as many sweets as you wanted after Iftar (You have been fasting all day after all so you deserve it right?) but somehow you ended up 2kg heavier by Eid. This year, maybe allow yourself 1 dessert every day, or every other day after iftar until Eid.. Whatever it may be, different people need different rules, so there’s no right or wrong, you just need to listen to your body and be honest with yourself about your habits, strengths, and challenges.

Probably the most important thing that we do emphasize is for you to eat your Ramadan sweets in an mindful manner. Do not rush or blindly eat desserts after you break fast. Sit down, and enjoy your sweets so that it is mindful, conscious and satisfying, rather than when you’re distracted (which can actually lead you to eat much more!).

We hope these tips help you to be more conscious with your indulgences this Ramadan! If you try these ideas let us know how they worked! And remember that if you need support or additional help with your diet and wellness, our team is always ready to help!


Ramadan is almost here and we want to help you approach your fast this year with mindfulness, discipline, and awareness. Perhaps it can even be an opportunity to focus on living a healthy and balanced lifestyle through a more mindful approach to eating, and to better prepare you for fasting, we have put together a few ways that can prepare your body for fasting. By planning and adjusting your routine before the fasting starts, it will be easier to kick any cravings, making the transition a whole lot easier.

Here are our tips:

Portion control — In these days before Ramadan, it’s important to reduce your portion sizes. Some may think splurging on food before fasting begins to sort of ‘stock up’, but this is exactly what not to do. The aim here is to reduce your appetite and hunger for larger quantities of food, ultimately helping your body transition to fasting in a healthy way.

Start eating your breakfast earlier — By getting your body use to eating breakfast earlier than usual, the transition won’t feel so strange for your metabolism. So start putting your alarm on a little earlier each morning, and even if you’re not hungry, eat. You want to trigger your stomach into understanding your new routine and when to expect food.

Don’t snack — If you are a hard-core lover of snacks (even those healthy ones!), then Ramadan can prove challenging. So just like with breakfast, you want to reset your stomach and mind now in the lead up to Ramadan, so try to stick to only three nutritious meals a day. This will help you lose the desire for these little goodies throughout the day, and your body will begin to not to expect them in your routine.

Step away from the coffee — Caffeine withdrawal, it’s a thing. And if you are a: ‘multiple cups of coffee’ kind of person, that headache will feel much worse while you’re fasting if you haven’t prepared your body in advance. If cutting down on your favourite cuppa seems impossible, then start small and work your way up. First, reduce your coffee intake to only one cup a day (somewhere mid-day not first thing in the morning), and maybe even switch to decaffeinated coffee. And ultimately, finish with cutting it out of your day all together.

Stock up on your groceries now  — Prepare now while you are still hyped up and full of energy. Shop and stock up on nutritious foods that can be served at Suhoor or Iftar times so that you’re not so tempted by those hunger driven guilty pleasures later. Plan what foods are best to have for breakfast, find the recipes and stock up on the ingredients, this way you will leave less to temptation and you can make sure that cravings won’t hinder what your body actually needs while fasting.

If you feel that you need help or accountability throughout this Ramadan, and really want to make it your healthiest Ramadan EVER, get in touch with us via email us or call on +9714 344 7333 to see how we can help!


We are so excited to announce that we finally have our infrared sauna up and running!  For months we have been working hard to bring you transformative infrared sauna services to The Hundred Wellness Centre. Unlike traditional saunas, which operate at extremely harsh temperatures, our infrared sauna is gentle, soothing and it’s therapeutic heat promotes relaxation, detoxification, improved sleep and so much more. Infrared sauna therapy helps you relax and relieves stress while you receive an invigorating deep tissue sweat, leaving you fully refreshed and rejuvenated after each session.

Whether we know it or not, we are exposed to heavy metals on an almost daily basis through pollution and as a matter of modern life, and left undisturbed, these heavy metals can cause illnesses. Sweating is the body’s safe and natural way to heal and stay healthy. Infrared saunas therapy induces a rise in core temperature that then results in a deep, detoxifying sweat at the cellular level, where toxins reside.  Infrared heat penetrates tissue, joints, and muscles to help relieve anything from minor aches and pains, to even more chronic pain conditions. Athletes also benefit from this therapy as it can help speed up recovery time post training, as well as decrease muscle spasms.

As with all of the services and treatments you will find at the centre, we strive to bring our clients the best of what is in the wellness world to help you meet all your health and wellness goals. So, in addition to pairing the infrared sauna therapy with our in-house detox program (highly recommended), we are also offering individual sessions, as well as packages.


To learn more or to book a session email or call us today on +9714 344 7333


Forgiveness – for·give·ness /ˌfərˈɡivnəs/ the act of no longer feeling anger or resentment towards someone (or yourself).

While we all know the concept of forgiveness, but it can be extremely difficult to really understand it, never mind put it into practice. There are so many layers to it, and many times we make an effort to forgive someone, but then as soon as one bad memory comes up, the anger, hurt and resentment all come racing back, throwing forgiveness right out of the window.

Wasn’t life so much simpler as a child? One ‘sorry’ held the key to fixing everything that was wrong in our world. But we are adults now and that isn’t how it works. However, before you are too hard on yourself, did you know that forgiveness is actually a learned skill? We are not born into the world knowing how to do it automatically, it takes time for all of those negative feelings to process, and that is OK!

Sometimes forgiveness almost seems unnatural, because our internal sense of fairness tells us that people should pay for their wrongs. And one of the hardest thing about practicing forgiveness in our daily lives is that it requires us to confront our feelings toward the closest people to us. It is difficult enough to forgive a stranger we might never see again, but it is so much more difficult to forgive a person we love and trust. So even when you think that you have “Blessed & Released”, and come to terms with what has happened, there are probably still some buried emotions about the event that you have pushed out of your mind that will come out again once something is triggered.

No matter what the circumstances are, and how challenging it can be as a ‘grown-up’, forgiveness really is a gift that you give to yourself. It allows you to return to a peaceful place within yourself. So what do you do when you find yourself struggling with all this? Decide today to do something about it. For example one thing you can try on your own is a forgiveness exercise. The below is adapted from the Stanford Forgiveness Project:

01. Get a paper and pen. Make a list of all the people you feel have wronged you in some way. Write each one down and why it was not not OK.

02. Acknowledge that those things did happen, and that they did hurt you.

03. Make a commitment to do what you need to do in order to feel better.

04. Recognize that your anger is coming from the thoughts that you have about what happened, and your thoughts are within your control.

05. When you start getting upset about those past experiences ask yourself, “What am I thankful for?”

06. Focus your energy into looking for ways to achieve happiness by letting the anger go, instead of using your energy on  re-living the negative experiences over and over in your head. (We call this: Blessing & Releasing).

In the end the best advice we can give if you find yourself still having some difficulty practicing forgiveness, is to please get in touch with us to learn more about our Forgiveness Clinics with Maya Badran and how she can help guide you through all your emotions and help you navigate this tricky skill. Maya is available every other Thursday throughout the month of July and August.




A healthy lifestyle is a long term commitment, but staying focused and motivated over extended periods of time is not always easy.  So now that you have taken the steps to make changes to start on your personal journey to wellness, how will you stay on track? What is your motivation?

First off to start, it’s important to know that motivation has a natural rhythm with it’s own highs and lows. So the key to staying motivated is kind of like fueling your car.. you don’t need the fuel tank to be full to actually drive you just need to make sure it doesn’t run empty.  Here are a few ideas to think about that we think could help keep you going:

01. Find your motivator: 
What is your goal? Why do you want to get into great shape and/or make a lifestyle change? Know the exact reason you are making changes to your life to have a clear vision of what you want to accomplish in the end.

02. Accountability buddy: Enlist the support of at least one close friend that will be your accountability buddy. This will be the person that you depend on to help keep you in check, and support you to make sure you meet your commitments and goals.

03. Put it on paper: When you write something down it tends to feel more official. Write down your motivator for making these lifestyle changes, and post the note where you will see it. 
Each time you see your note take a moment to visualize yourself accomplishing your goal.

04. Chunk it up: With any goal it is important to set small, realistic, attainable goals. This way, you can check them off once you have achieved them. Not only will celebrating these small successes make you feel great, but small steps add up to big changes, and are less overwhelming than trying to do everything at once.

05. Be gentle with yourself: No one is perfect all of the time, so if you’re having a couple of off days (or weeks) – that’s SO okay! Just pick yourself back up and keep going even if you have to set additional small goals to get back to where you left off.

We hope these ideas help, and always remember that if you need assistance with developing goals, finding motivation, or just need someone to point you in the right direction by providing you with the knowledge and support to help you with your journey, visit our website here to see how our team can help!

The Hundred Wellness Centre Dubai


The Hundred Wellness Day – Saturday
March 11th,  9:00 am – 9:00 pm
Everyone is Invited!


For all the classes, workshops and talks advance booking is required by calling +9714 344 7333


– Organic produce market with IGR – indoors  – (9:00 am – 4:00 pm)


– Pop-up Market  YApparel, Lorna Jane, Wallance and Co, Fitness Fuel, homemade Kombucha and Sauerkraut – Ongoing throughout the day


– Complimentary healthy Emirati Brunch ( gluten and sugar free) – On the garden terrace
10: 00 am – 12:00 pm


– Free Art Workshop for Children with Medaf, led by Alia Lootah
10:00 am – 11:30 am


– Free Indoor Pilates Mat Class (Ladies Only) with Janna Robertson
9:00 am – 10:00 am


– Free Hundred’s Body Weight Class with Valentina Cabreira – Outdoors
11:30 am –12:30 pm


– Free Ecabiotec talk with Lamis Harib – Indoors
11:30 am – 12:30 pm


– Free Pilates Class with Chelsea-Ann Ingledew
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm


– Free Body Fat Analysis with Lulu Alarmali
12:00 pm –4:00 pm


– Free Super Circuit Class (Ladies Only) with Valentina Cabriera – Indoors
2:00 pm – 2:45 pm


– Free Forgiveness Clinic with Maya Badran – Indoors
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm


– Free Yoga Class with Charity Adams – Outdoors
5:15 pm – 6:15 pm


– Free Film Screening – Outdoors in the gardens
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm


For full details on all the activities click here. You can also drop us an email with any questions you may have. Don’t forget to tell all your friends and family, and follow the hashtag #thehundredwellnessYAY