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let go

Letting go. We all know that it is human nature to become attached to things, memories and people, all of which puts us in our very cozy ‘comfort zones’. And it can be very difficult to let go of these attachments, even when we know that some are not good for us. But there is something important to be learned from the art of ‘letting go’, it is an opportunity to release unhealthy attachments to memories, events, ideas, and possessions. So, what if we asked you: What is weighing you down right now? How would your life be different if you let it go?

Is it the need to be perfect? – You are perfectly beautiful, and beautifully imperfect, and this is what allows you to be you. Perfection is an illusion—it doesn’t exist. Please stop stressing yourselves by trying to be perfect. Embrace your mistakes along the way, as much needed opportunities for growth, like blessings in disguise that make you wiser. If you fail at anything, it doesn’t mean you are failure, because you are not what you do. Sometimes we win, sometimes we learn. We never lose.

Is it the need to be busy all the time?  – We have mentioned this before.. Being in a rush isn’t a sign of virtue. Learn to listen to your body, and release any guilt for sometimes simply doing nothing. Sometimes you just need to recharge the batteries of your body and soul, and you don’t owe anyone any explanation for doing that. Hold space for yourself.

Is it making assumptions about what other people feel, want, or think? – There is no way to know what others are feeling or thinking. Many of us make up imaginary scenarios, and let our minds create elaborate stories. Each time you find yourself thrown off by what a person has said or done, take a moment for a reality check. Examine your thoughts and ask yourself: ‘Is that really true?’  For example, you might assume someone doesn’t like you, when really she’s just having a bad day. Or maybe she’s just shy. Not everyone is the same. The moment you realize that you can’t know what a person thinks, your mind gets clear and you will then be able to meet them with an open heart.

When we let something go that’s been weighing us down, we feel the relief deep in our soul.  No time is better than the present to make a conscious decision to release these negative thoughts so that you can enjoy your life in the moment as it unfolds. And if you can let go of some of the things that hold you back and weigh you down, you might just find that you can float out in this big world stronger, braver and so much happier!

“Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it.”
―Ann Landers