homotoxicology Archives | The Hundred

The Hundred Wellness Center

It’s a brand new year, and after days, (or weeks) of indulging in sugar and rich foods, combined with a lack of exercise or time to take care of yourself, it’s no surprise that you are possibly feeling a bit out of sorts. To help you get back on track we asked our team members to give us some pointers to help jump start the process of getting you to your best health and vitality in the new year.

To start off, the best first step, would be to give your body an opportunity to heal it’s digestive tract by taking a break from all forms of sugar, dairy, and gluten for 30 days. This may sound hard, but it is so worth it and we can help! Eliminating these foods actually is the cornerstone of the very successful ‘Down-Size-Me Diet Plan’ which was developed by Lifestyle Consultant/Weight Loss expert Ryan Penny, and his brother our in house Homotoxicologist and Homeopathic Practitioner Dr Sean –  The Wellness Brothers. This plan is offered at The Hundred Wellness Centre, and the brothers are on hand to personally support you in achieving your weight loss and wellness goals, while creating programs that fit comfortably into your lifestyle. And with the plan being built on a foundation of solid science and common-sense it ensures that cutting calories and improving health, does not involve a total restriction of the foods you enjoy!

Next we would encourage you to move your body in mindful ways – as much as we are told by mainstream media that the new year is the best time to start a hardcore exercise program, it’s really not! While getting back on track, your body will be much happier doing more mindful exercises like Pilates, Yoga, Gyrotonic Expansion, or even our Super Circuit Classes – all of which we offer in many ability levels at the centre! If you are not sure where to start, give us a call or visit us and we can help guide you to the program that best suits your needs.

While the idea of a new year brings on the excitement of being able to start fresh, it also comes the pressure of keeping up with everything that comes your way. Our advice? Slow down – Prioritize. Have less on your schedule. Move your body. Go to bed early. Read a book. And allow yourself the space and time to reconnect to what nourishes your mind, body and soul. 2017 is waiting, and every step you take to move forward is essential, so get in touch to find out how we can help you make this your best year yet!