kindness Archives | The Hundred


Being kind is a wonderful experience. When you are kind to others, you feel good as a person — more positive, optimistic, and happy! Did you know that when you are kind it actually triggers physical and psychological responses with the most obvious response being the ‘feel good’ sensation, better known as the “helper’s high”!

So when you do something good, your body rewards you by releasing endorphins. These ‘happy hormones’ create the feel good experience, and the person who receives a kind act experiences the ‘feel good’ response too! Who can deny that it’s really nice when someone randomly smiles at you, thanks you, compliments you, or even helps you in some small thoughtful way.

And while we may not get any snow in Dubai, there is definitely something magical about this time of year. With the spirits of community, gratitude and generosity that are deeply rooted in our UAE culture, it could be the warm fuzzy feelings that we get when we are gathered with those we love the most, or when we are feeling the power of giving without expecting anything in exchange. If we open our minds to the opportunities, we will find that there are so many small ways to consciously practice kindness, spread happiness and create joy all around us.

With Giving and Charity playing such important roles in the holiday season, we have decided to step up our efforts to encourage more conscious acts of kindness and generosity within our community. Starting December 19th stop by and join our team at The Hundred Wellness Centre as we help to pay it forward! Let’s all work together to simply be kinder, happier human beings while we brighten someone’s day.. And who wouldn’t want a little bit of a “helper’s high” too?