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With the dawn of affordable DNA testing, the world is now gripped by the wonderful notion of personalized diets. According to this concept, your genomes and the food you consume interact to create a life-long impact on your health. Many nutritionists in Dubai and all across the world are now looking into nutrigenomics- the study of how nutrition influences the expression of the genome. By studying an individual’s DNA test results, nutritionists are now identifying how food components interact with the cells, organs and the whole body.

Personalized nutrition has become analogous to personalized medicine. While the food market produces foods and products based on long-time consumer science, the introduction of nutrigenomics has brought new preferences and requirements among the consumers, which is slowly impacting the mainstream food production industry.

In this blog, we will discuss how personalized nutrition based on nutrigenomics must be approached.

Rule no.1: Understand that there is no ‘one diet for all’

As nutrigenomics is based on the individual DNA test results, one thing has become clear to nutritionists- There is no single diet that works best for all. No two individuals respond the same way to the same dietary interventions. Even people with similar metabolism, blood sugar levels, and cholesterol levels respond differently to the same diet. While some people lose more when they reduce carbs, others lose more weight when they increase complex carbs and reduce fats. 

All these point to the same thing. For unique results, it is best to skip trial and error methods and go for individual diet plans based on their DNA test results. Results from the PREDICT study by researchers from Kings College in London and Harvard Medical School also reassured the role of genetics and individual make up which translated into people’s unique responses to food. So what else is there to know about nutrigenomics?

Rule no.2: Understand that genes alone are not the deciding factors

While we stated that genes play a key role in deciding an individual response to diets, it is NOT the only factor. Most DNA testings will account for insights into how each individual reacts to carbohydrates and saturated fats, other factors like exercise, sleep habits, stress responses and even gut microbes play equally important roles.

The important thing to remember here is that personalized diets has to consider the individual as a whole to be able to give the best results. Although DNA test based diets work in favor of individual health goals, the results can be improved by managing stress levels, improving sleep quality and putting in the right amount of exercise. 

Rule no.3: Consume fresh vegetables in the meantime

In ideal circumstances, every food item you consume must help you stay fit and healthy. Even when the principles of eating healthy looks complicated, the one thing everyone should do is to put your trust in fresh vegetables. 

Plant-based diets are higher in carbohydrates. But for most people, these diets can really help their body settle into a rhythm, without starving them of the essential nutrients.

Having detailed information about your genome, biomarkers, daily habits and microbiome (gut health) are all ways to empower our nutritionists in Dubai to help prepare the best suited dietary plans. Even when you get the right meal plan, remember that what ultimately matters is your dedication and perseverance towards healthy living and complete wellness.


When it comes to our physical health, we all know the importance of our food choices. However, when it comes to taking care of our mental health and minds, the part that food plays is somehow overlooked. Which is such a shame because having a healthy diet rich in nutrients and antioxidants has been clinically shown to significantly improve our moods, and general well-being. 

Having said this we are not disregarding that serious mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and other psychiatric disorders require appropriate management by a doctor, but the positive impact that diet can have shouldn’t be neglected. In fact, making sure that we get all the vitamins and minerals we need can help our brain chemistry and make it easier for us to take charge of our mental health. 

If you’d like to take a few extra steps today that can help improve your mental well-being and make you feel better overall, here are a few diet changes that you can try out for a few weeks to see what happens and ultimately how you feel: 

Eliminate GMOs 

Genetically-modified foods (GMOs) are biological products that are laced and saturated with toxic herbicides, and because they are largely unstudied, we are only now beginning to understand how they do their damage, as well as the relevance of the gut to mental health. (GMOs in our books are THE WORST and should be avoided at every cost) Here’s what we do know: people almost ALWAYS report some degree of improvement once eliminating all GMO foods from their diet. So, start looking more closely at food labels when you at are the grocery store next time, and you will most probably be surprised to find in the small print that at least one of the ingredients has been genetically modified!  

Eliminate Gluten 

Gluten is often processed with genetically-modified oils and is just plain unhealthy.  The proteins in gluten are gut irritants: it’s as if they create little papercuts in the lining of your gut, causing an inflammatory response from the body, which is not good. Many people with mental health issues and well as ADHD and even Autism have seen marked improvement when removing gluten from their diets. 

Eliminate Sugar 

Often, this is the second or third ingredient on any package of food on grocery store shelf, and as humans we are simply were not built to manage the (at least) 22 teaspoons of sugar that many of us ingest daily! Clinically, sugar imbalance can look like depression, panic disorder, and even bipolar. Oh, and did we mention that its addictive?! The best way to avoid extra sugars? Stick to whole foods that you prepare yourself and stay away from fast foods and packaged ones as well. 

These are possibly the top three brain sabotagers, but unfortunately there are more where these came from. The biggest take-a-way here? Do not underestimate the power of your diet to influence your mental health.  

Mindfully supporting your body and mind through the times that you don’t feel your best offers you the opportunity to take a look at the symptoms and see how small changes to your diet and lifestyle can affect your overall wellbeing. We believe that when it comes to dealing with our bodies and minds, there is always a natural and gentler way to approach things. 

If you feel that this is something you would like to learn more about reach out to us and we will connect you with one of our team members that can guide you further to a more natural and healthy lifestyle. 



Are you ready for a total body re-set? Imagine being able to kick-start your metabolism, enhance your immunity, and extend your lifespan; all while losing excess fat and feeling more energized. Well, by fasting you can!  When you fast, you actually give your cells a chance to detox and recycle, so your body can slow down aging, and it even helps prevent age-related diseases. 

As the holy month of Ramadan is almost here, take the opportunity to learn how fasting can actually change the physiology of your body, cleansing and re-setting it to improve all of its functions. 

Some health benefits of fasting include: 

  • Healthy aging  
  • Improved insulin sensitivity 
  • Protects brain 
  • Sharper mental clarity and focus 
  • Better weight management 

Join us on Monday May 14th for a transformative discussion with Dr. Faryal our in-house Naturopathic doctor, on the many benefits of fasting. There’s no question that fasting is a powerful and therapeutic process, so whether your fast is practiced as part of a religious tradition, or a wellness regime, you will definitely benefit from attending this talk. 

When: Monday May 14th at 10am-11am followed by a Q&A session

Where: The Hundred Wellness Centre 

Facilitator: Dr. Faryal Luhar, Naturopathic Doctor 

Space is limited so please contact us on+9714 344 7333 or via email us on [email protected] to book your spot and get Ramadan ready! 


infrared sauna

What if we told you that we have a tool that can warm up, relax AND detox your body all at once?? Well, we do! Let us introduce the Infrared Sauna. 

 Ok, but what’s the difference between using a regular sauna and infrared sauna? The biggest difference is that infrared heating penetrates much deeper into fat tissue and your neuromuscular system. Also, in an infrared sauna, sweating occurs at a lower temperature which in turn puts less demand on the cardiovascular system. The benefits of these saunas are thought to be a result of the heat actually reaching the neuromuscular system providing quicker recovery. 

Another difference is that infrared saunas use heat and light to create the warmth that penetrates your body to help you to detox, very similar to the infrared rays of the sun, which as well all know are the healthiest rays out there!  

What are some of the potential benefits? 

  • Detoxification: All that sweating you’ll be doing? It helps move the toxins out of your body through your sweat. 
  • Pain relief: The heat can actually reach and penetrate your muscles and can provide relief from chronic pain. 
  • Stress reduction: It’s easy for your stress to reduce when you’re in a disconnected and relaxed state. The gentle heat relaxes you and can also improve your sleep. 
  • Skin purification: You will love that immediately after detoxing in an infrared sauna you will notice that your skin is glowing because the impurities have been pushed out.  

So, in a nutshell, this therapy can give you some great benefits without the risks of traditional saunas. 

Ready to try for yourself? To book your sessions and try it for yourself call us on +9714 344 9333 or email us. 


How fast is your life moving? Do you ever wish you could slow everything down gaining a few more hours in the day to tackle that ever growing to-do-list? What if you slowed down and concentrated only on the things that are truly valuable and important to YOU? 

A slower paced life means more balance, and that helps you gain more awareness about how you actually spend your time. But ‘slow’ will not happen naturally, there needs to be a conscious decision. In fact, our lives tend to accumulate more things that need our attention, mainly because we rarely remove older commitments even when we add new ones. It’s almost like a computer that just keeps saving files, until it gets so slow it and needs a total reformat (or a trip to the recycle bin).

So the best thing to do, is aim for fewer and better commitments. Put the important ones on the calendar- these are the ones that you really want to prioritize, and don’t let any ‘urgent’ things take their place. Always take the time to evaluate everything you are trying to do, and even make a list of your commitments if you need to— ask yourself which items and tasks actually bring value to your life?

Slowing down can be hard, and yes we do know that it is hard to say no sometimes. But the reality is that more often than not, when we are over-committed, we are unable to do justice to all of our engagements. So what do we recommend? Do a little bit of planning and time management for a slower paced life. Because in the end, time is what is really important, and we need to make sure we are not rushing through life and letting all the special moments pass by unnoticed. Slowing down is a mindset, so today start the shift and focus on learning how to fully embrace a slower paced life.



We live in a world where everything is just a click or touch away – we communicate, share photographs, pay bills, and even shop with a touch of a button! This digital era has surely made our lives easier, but at the same time, the growing dependency on our gadgets and apps has taken its toll on our health and relationships.

Tell us, when was the last time you disconnected from your mobile devices and enjoyed some good old-fashioned, face-to-face social interactions, or went for a few hours of uninterrupted silence without reaching for your phone? If it has been so long that it’s hard to even remember, then this post is for you!

Technology in many ways brings us together and helps us stay close to people, but it also doesn’t hurt to sometimes step away from it and take a break to remind ourselves that life is moving by so quickly–things are happening offline in the here and now and we need to pay attention.

So here is what we are proposing: Go social-media free for a day. Start by turning off all the phone notifications and emails for your social media apps, and move your social media apps to a folder on your phone called “Unplugged”. Choose one time (or two) during the day to check in with the digital world. Once you’ve started to wean yourself from scrolling aimlessly through Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest or Twitter, go completely social media-free for one whole day (probably a day in the weekend would work best).

Now fill your time offline with meaningful things that maybe you haven’t been able to do lately. Take a walk on the beach, arrange a coffee with an old friend, or read that book you have been saving for when you had the time to focus. The possibilities are endless, and you’ll be less tempted to spend time scrolling through social-media when you have other activities to look forward to!

The idea is to reduce stress, slow down from all the “busy-ness” and focus on real life by engaging in social interactions in the real world, rather than on virtual platforms. Over the next month use your times of connectivity on purpose, and step away from social-media to reconnect with your family and friends to create new memories without all those fancy filters.

Have you gone social-media free for a day or longer? If so drop us a note below to let us know how it went and what you learned from the experience!

The Hundred Wellness Center

It’s a brand new year, and after days, (or weeks) of indulging in sugar and rich foods, combined with a lack of exercise or time to take care of yourself, it’s no surprise that you are possibly feeling a bit out of sorts. To help you get back on track we asked our team members to give us some pointers to help jump start the process of getting you to your best health and vitality in the new year.

To start off, the best first step, would be to give your body an opportunity to heal it’s digestive tract by taking a break from all forms of sugar, dairy, and gluten for 30 days. This may sound hard, but it is so worth it and we can help! Eliminating these foods actually is the cornerstone of the very successful ‘Down-Size-Me Diet Plan’ which was developed by Lifestyle Consultant/Weight Loss expert Ryan Penny, and his brother our in house Homotoxicologist and Homeopathic Practitioner Dr Sean –  The Wellness Brothers. This plan is offered at The Hundred Wellness Centre, and the brothers are on hand to personally support you in achieving your weight loss and wellness goals, while creating programs that fit comfortably into your lifestyle. And with the plan being built on a foundation of solid science and common-sense it ensures that cutting calories and improving health, does not involve a total restriction of the foods you enjoy!

Next we would encourage you to move your body in mindful ways – as much as we are told by mainstream media that the new year is the best time to start a hardcore exercise program, it’s really not! While getting back on track, your body will be much happier doing more mindful exercises like Pilates, Yoga, Gyrotonic Expansion, or even our Super Circuit Classes – all of which we offer in many ability levels at the centre! If you are not sure where to start, give us a call or visit us and we can help guide you to the program that best suits your needs.

While the idea of a new year brings on the excitement of being able to start fresh, it also comes the pressure of keeping up with everything that comes your way. Our advice? Slow down – Prioritize. Have less on your schedule. Move your body. Go to bed early. Read a book. And allow yourself the space and time to reconnect to what nourishes your mind, body and soul. 2017 is waiting, and every step you take to move forward is essential, so get in touch to find out how we can help you make this your best year yet!


Asma 2016

It surely has been an exciting year for all of us at The Hundred Wellness Centre and the whole world that is for sure – so a heartfelt “thank you” filled with gratitude is in order! Over the past 12 months, our team has grown, we have added additional wellness services and new classes, we conducted more free talks and events to bring our amazing community together, in conjunction with The Wellness Brothers we facilitated the successful Sheikh Majid Weight Loss Initiative, we held our weekly Saturday organic market with IGR |Integrated Green Resources UAE, our logo has been revampedI fulfilled my dream of running the London Half Marathon and I was honored to be invited by Dr Jill Biden the US second wife on her last visit to the UAE, to deliver a special speech to students in celebration of International Women’s Day, and these are just to name a few!

We are now at the point in the year when everyone has their New Years resolutions ready to go, however I am not a big fan of writing New Years resolutions as I feel they are challenging to maintain. I believe in setting conscious sustainable long term goals. What I normally do by the end of each year is write a list of what I want to achieve in all areas of my life to set my intentions for the new year, and gain more clarity and direction.

So if your goal is to lose weight (which most people have on their list), and live a healthy lifestyle, then begin with small steps, rather than going full fledge in January or deciding to go Vegan! Do something everyday towards your goal, even if it is simple, and set dated milestones. It also helps to have an accountability buddy, so you can encourage and keep eachother on track. Most importantly be conscious and serious about any changes you want to make in your life. Another end of year list I write is a gratitude list. I reflect on all the good things that have happened to me over the year and give thanks.

On a slightly different note, I have noticed that lately alot of people have taken to social media expressing how 2016 has been a tough year. I say let’s change that energy! Let’s look at what went well, fully aknowledging that we can perceive something as bad, but still know that in the long run it actually is always good for us, no matter what it was. I once read something that really stuck with me, and that is: when a flower dies, it makes space for a new one to grow. I want to invite you all to join me, and work on changing your perceptions in the coming year. Make it a habit to write three new and specific things daily that you are grateful for, and see for yourself how this small exersize changes the way you too can look at things…

So as 2016 comes to an end, lets agree to consciously ring in the new year with some great intentions and goals, and remember above all else to LOVE yourself! From me and the The Hundred Wellness Centre team, we wish you love, happiness and health in the new year. And remember we are just next door, ready to extend our knowledge and expertise to help you live your most healthy happy life.


Being kind is a wonderful experience. When you are kind to others, you feel good as a person — more positive, optimistic, and happy! Did you know that when you are kind it actually triggers physical and psychological responses with the most obvious response being the ‘feel good’ sensation, better known as the “helper’s high”!

So when you do something good, your body rewards you by releasing endorphins. These ‘happy hormones’ create the feel good experience, and the person who receives a kind act experiences the ‘feel good’ response too! Who can deny that it’s really nice when someone randomly smiles at you, thanks you, compliments you, or even helps you in some small thoughtful way.

And while we may not get any snow in Dubai, there is definitely something magical about this time of year. With the spirits of community, gratitude and generosity that are deeply rooted in our UAE culture, it could be the warm fuzzy feelings that we get when we are gathered with those we love the most, or when we are feeling the power of giving without expecting anything in exchange. If we open our minds to the opportunities, we will find that there are so many small ways to consciously practice kindness, spread happiness and create joy all around us.

With Giving and Charity playing such important roles in the holiday season, we have decided to step up our efforts to encourage more conscious acts of kindness and generosity within our community. Starting December 19th stop by and join our team at The Hundred Wellness Centre as we help to pay it forward! Let’s all work together to simply be kinder, happier human beings while we brighten someone’s day.. And who wouldn’t want a little bit of a “helper’s high” too?


With Ramadan only a couple of weeks away and with the summer heat slowly escalating, we are de”light”ed to share with you a raw, cool and healthy blended spinach soup. Packed with iron, rich in nutrients from avocado, and with wonderful earthy flavors derived from thyme and oregano this soup is complete with a splash of lemon for that added mediterranean twist. Ramadan typically calls out for a warm soup at Iftar but if the summer heat has you craving something more refreshing when you break your fast then this is the perfect soup for you. Blended soups are highly nutritious, easy to digest and a great way to saturate the body with lots of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and enzymes almost immediately making it an extremely healthy start to your iftar. So without further delay…here is the recipe:


2 cups fresh spinach
1 small apple (peeled and cored)
1 ripe avocado
1/2 cup fresh tomatoes
1 tsp. sea salt
1 clove garlic
1 sprig thyme
1 sprig oregano
1 tbsp. olive oil or walnut oil (for a nutty delicious flavor)
2 tbsp. fresh lemon juice (do not use concentrated lemon juice)
3 cups hot water (added last if you prefer warm soup)
Toasted sesame seeds for garnish and a delicious crunch

Combine all the ingredients in a blender and blend for a couple of minutes until it’s smooth.  Add water gradually (if you like it thicker and creamier use less water).  Top / garnish your soup with sliced cherry tomatoes, sesame seeds or your favorite toasted seeds, before finishing off with a drizzle of of olive / walnut oil.