environment Archives | The Hundred

earth day

At The Hundred Wellness Centre, our mission is to empower others to live healthier, happier, more intentional lives. Lives where you are consciously choosing the kind of food you eat, who you surround yourself with, how you move your body, and even the things you do in your spare time.

On April 22nd we join people around the globe to celebrate ‘Earth Day‘, but truth be told.. in our little Hundred Wellness world, Earth Day is every single day! Every choice we make as a business and as a team is a conscious one, with the community’s health, and the wellness of the planet in mind.

To show you how easy it can be to do the same, we listed a few small things you can do to make every day ‘Earth Day’:

01. Use canvas or reusable bags – Get yourself some reusable bags and keep them in your car, and the next time you are in the grocery store, simply decline plastic bags from cashier. Scientists estimate that every square mile of ocean contains approximately 46,000 pieces of plastic floating in it. And believe it or not, you CAN make an impact on those numbers by making this small change to your grocery store visits, and encouraging your friends to do the same.

02. Clean your home with non-toxic household cleaners – Most people don’t think of their household cleaners as pollutants. Just because these products do their job by cleaning, it doesn’t mean they aren’t also harmful. So instead of using the toxic cleaners, you can purchase some non-toxic cleaners (we love Ecabiotic), or maybe even make your own alternative cleaners to keep your home safer… and squeaky clean!

03. Learn to love a plant-based diet- Research done by Oxford University shows that when it comes to climate change, following a plant-based diet could cut food-related emissions by 70%. Now we are not saying that you should give up meat completely, but doing your best to lower your intake of animal products is definitely a great start.

04. Buy organic foods and products – According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: “By opting for organic products, the consumer through his/her purchasing power promotes a less polluting agricultural system”.  So when you go to the grocery store or farmer’s market, depending on what you purchase there, you are contributing to the type of agriculture system you want to support. So support a local organic system (like IGRUAE) that doesn’t use synthetic herbicides and pesticides, these chemicals are not only foreign to your body, but also harmful to the water, air and environment too!

These were just a few examples, but there are tons of ways we can make a positive impact for Earth day. If you need more ideas please do get in touch with us and our team will be happy to help!

And this year, as you go through Earth Day, (and the other 364 days of the year) remember to keep this quote in your mind –

“I don’t want to protect the environment. I want to create a world where the environment doesn’t need protecting.” – Unknown