Insomnia and Pilates Archives | The Hundred

With the move fast, work hard, multi-tasking culture we live in and go through, sometimes heading to bed in a frazzled state keeps us awake all night. Joseph Pilates – the founder of Pilates – said: “It is better to be tired from physical exertion than to be fatigued by the “poisons” generated by nervousness while lying awake.”  Deep muscle relaxation in Pilates exercises reduces psychological tension, reducing anxiety as well as the treatment of muscular tension, insomnia, depression, fatigue, irritable bowels, muscle spasms, muscle guarding, neck and back pain, high blood pressure and stuttering.  Joseph recommends getting out of bed and practicing a couple of extremely relaxing Pilates exercises as we introduce to you in our article below as well as the best advice on side/back/front sleepers and the type of pillow to aim for. We hope you get a more restful and relaxing sleep after reading (and practicing) this article:

Suffering from lack of quality sleep or insomnia?
Suffering from lack of quality sleep or insomnia?

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