reminders Archives | The Hundred

the hundred wellness centre new years reminder

Preparations are in full swing for the new year, and everyone’s getting ready to turn the page and close the last chapter of 2017. So, as a gentle reminder to keep us all moving in the right direction we at The Hundred Wellness Centre decided to put together a few thoughts on how to keep up the great work! 

Reminder 01- Little steps do add up. While we haven’t necessarily made perfect progress on all of our goals this year, we have made little-by-little progress. And embracing this imperfect progress will help you to not completely give up when things don’t go as planned (and we all know that happens quite a bit). Remember, that in the right direction, small steps forward (even with a few steps back) are adding up. 

Reminder 02- It’s okay to grow slow. In fact, the best thing ever IS to grow slow and steady. Think about it: do you plant a seed and expect to get an all full-grown tree by the next morning (even though we might wish for this secretly sometimes right?) We often crave overnight results but that often leaves us with roots that are not deep enough to sustain our growth. All good things grow slowly— love, babies, flowers, big dreams/goals and meaningful relationships.

Reminder 03- Changes can be hard, but as challenging as they are sometimes… they might actually be good for you! So, open your heart and mind to the possibilities. 

Reminder 04- Finally…. You know all those things you’ve always wanted to do? You really should go do them.