summer Archives | The Hundred


“The time to relax is when you don’t have time for it.”
Sydney J. Harris

Summer is here, and for many of us it is a time filled with slower paced days, so in theory it is the perfect time to start focusing on taking extra good care of yourself— unwinding, decompressing and recharging.

The question is, how can you do this, not only in the summer, but all year round? Keep reading because that’s exactly what this blog post is all about!

Do nothing— It is easy to get trapped in the mindset that you have to do something all the time otherwise you are falling behind and not being productive. This way of thinking obviously adds lots of pressure and stress. So this summer start to try and doing nothing at all from time to time. Just go for a walk, then sit on a bench to take in the wonderful landscape. Or lie down in the grass and just watch the clouds go by. Savour those special moments, and feel all the stresses and tensions flow out of your body and mind.

Disconnect..from technology— We highly recommend trying this one out, especially if you tend to spend a lot of time online or talking on the phone. Start by staying away from your emails and phone for maybe 6 or 12 hours, then go ahead and check them again. You may be surprised to see that you haven’t missed much by not being available all the time, and that your stress levels have dropped quite a bit and it feels easier to fully focus on the things that are important to you.

Take your self-appreciation inventory — Half of 2017 has now gone by, and perhaps there may have been moments of disappointment. Perhaps you were disappointed in what you did, or didn’t get to do. Take a break from that mindset and ask yourself: What can you appreciate about what you have done and accomplished over these last 6 months? It doesn’t always have to be big things. And don’t forget to also appreciate the effort you put in even if things didn’t go exactly as planned.

Just say no- to the stress of the “Summer should’s”— Days filled with things you “just have to do before the summer is over” are draining, and they will leave you more tired than you were before your time off even started. Avoid these things by asking yourself: Will this matter in 5 years? Or even 5 weeks? Zooming out like this makes it easier to find a more mindful perspective on things, and helps you to see the real value of doing something.

Spend more time doing what you love – No matter what that might be. Think about how you can fit more what you love doing, into not only your summer, but the rest of your 2017. Take a couple of minutes and sit down with a pen and a piece of paper, and write about what you spend your time on during a normal week. Then find 1 or even 2 things that you think you could probably spend less time on so that you have a bit more time and energy over each week for more of what you love doing.

These are some tips to get you on the path of making more time and taking care of yourself. Tell us what do you have planned this summer to help make yourself a priority all year round?

summer travel

It’s that time of year again—Summer. And most probably your plan is to fill your days with visits to the beach, traveling, lots of food and exploring…Leaving your wellness routine as the last thing on your mind. But let us ask you this, how many times have you said upon returning home from your summer vacation:  “Now I need to detox and get back on track.” -And the truth is: Who hasn’t? When traveling, trying new foods, and exploring new places, it’s completely normal to treat yourself to a little more than you normally would. But we don’t want you to stress about it, so we’ve put together a few easy steps that will make your summer travels and then your return home a whole lot easier and healthier.

Commit to one fresh and healthy meal daily (at least) – There isn’t anything wrong with experiencing all the amazing cuisines and dishes a new city can offer, but having several heavy meals in a day can be hard on the body. So be gentle with yourself, and plan for at least one ‘healthy’ meal a day and make it count. Many places you visit will have amazing markets where you can pick up fresh local produce. If you’re staying in an apartment, or even a hotel with a small kitchen, try to occasionally prepare your own fresh meals. Of course, cooking isn’t an option on every trip, so for those times when you’ll be eating in restaurants regularly, look for the farm-to-table restaurants, and eat in tune with the summer season.

Routine – Staying healthy while traveling isn’t just about eating well and getting in the occasional workout. Little things like your skincare, vitamin regimen and mindfulness practices should all be maintained while traveling too. It’s easy to consider travel time as time-off from taking care of yourself in the usual way, but practicing total health during your trip will make your vacation all the more enjoyable. If you take regular vitamins(and you should!), be sure to pack them in a travel container so that you can take them with you without taking up too much space in your suitcase. If you regularly schedule time to meditate or take time to yourself, make sure you do the same while traveling. Trust us, keeping these routines won’t add any restrictions to your trip, on the contrary, they’ll help you to feel your best while traveling.

Switch up your workout – We can all probably agree the one of the best parts about vacation is NOT setting an alarm, and instead following your body’s internal clock. Vacations also mean no strict plans for the day, which means exercise can be completed at any time and any place. Just as you are exploring a new culture, why not explore new activities? While away form home why not rent a bike and ride along the water or through the city. Or jump in the pool for some laps. And if you are on vacation with family, find a group sport and play a round of tennis or beach volleyball. The point is to make time for fitness on your vacation without making it a chore. The options are endless, and it’s a fun chance to get creative with your workout and explore the outdoors.


As you can see, with a good travel plan, it’s not hard to maintain your wellness routine while you are away from home. All you need is some planning, organisation, and a positive attitude. Remember to have fun and enjoy the journey. Do the best you can to make every day a healthy and happy one!