wellness dubai Archives | The Hundred


Food Guidelines can help you stay on track for a healthier mind and body.

What foods we put into our bodies impacts our energy, moods as well as the obvious– our physical health. By becoming more mindful and intentional about what, when and why we eat, we can create balance and harmony both physically and emotionally.

One of the best ways to do this is to imagine and understand that the nutrients in our foods act as information to our cells. When we give our bodies the right information, they will function at their highest levels —we will have more energy, our minds will be clearer, and we can live life to our best and highest ability.  

And the truth is that the quality of what you eat is FAR more important than how much you eat.  The body is dynamic system and it’s responsive to the quality of the calories you’re eating and the type of information that you’re fuelling your body with. Eating poor quality food is like talking to your body over Skype with a bad WIFI signal, it simply can’t understand how to use that information. 

The anatomy of your food matters; white bread and broccoli are not the same kinds of carbs, and on the same token, soybean oil and coconut oil are totally different kinds of fats. And all calories are NOT created equal. The sources and nutrient-density of your food play a much larger role in your health than the amount of calories a food contains.

Your body is smart, it knows the difference, and it knows which of these are supplying quality information and which are toxic. How can you feed your body with the right information? Here are a few food guidelines:  

1. Eat a diet low in sugar, flour, and refined carbohydrates of all kinds.

2. Eat dark leafy greens, lots of vegetables and some fruit (low sugar options are best). The deeper the colors, the more variety, the better. 
3. Avoid any and all foods with pesticides, antibiotics, preservatives, additives, hormones and GMO’s.
4. Eat high quality fats rich in omega-3. So, plenty of virgin cold-pressed organic olive oil, raw nuts, seeds and avocados. 

5. When possible opt for foods that are organic, local, and fresh. Grass-fed/ grass-finished meats are also the best option if you consume animal protein. 

 At the Hundred we take this all very seriously, and if you follow our social media you will see some of the wholesome, nutrient packed foods and drinks that we offer in our café.

So, if a healthier lifestyle is what you are looking for, The Hundred is here to help. With our vast resources, we can help you navigate holistically through all things health, wellness, and movement.

Give us a call on +97143447333 today to learn more– or email us here!  


Sometimes you just feel ‘off’. You’re slightly off-balance and can’t explain it. It may be a feeling of fatigue that just won’t go away, even after a full night’s sleep. Or maybe you’re feeling depressed or anxious without a rational cause. And even though you’ve been consistent with your diet and exercise, the pounds have somehow piled on pounds that just won’t budge. All of these symptoms can possibly point to a thyroid disorder. 

To learn more about this delicate gland and its functions we share with you an excerpt from an in-depth article that Dr Faryal our in-house Naturopthic Doctor put together: 

Countless individuals suffer from symptoms of low or dysfunctional thyroid and countless more are misdiagnosed or undiagnosed.  Doctors either interpret lab values incorrectly or determine that these patients are “fine” because they do not fit into the conventional reference ranges on standard panels. Thyroid problems in women occur up to 7 times more often than in men, and globally, a staggering 200 million people are living with related disorders. 

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland which sits just below the voice-box in the neck and is responsible for producing hormones which regulate growth and energy production in the body, making it the master gland of metabolism. But that’s not all; the thyroid influences and interacts with other hormones in the body and is essential for proper functioning of all organs including the heart, musculoskeletal system, and brain. 

High or Low? 

Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism are at opposite ends of the spectrum of thyroid disease. A healthy thyroid gland is initially governed by the pituitary gland in the brain, which senses low thyroid hormone in the blood and sends a messenger to instruct the thyroid to make more hormone.  This messenger is TSH or thyroid stimulating hormone.  An underproduction of these hormones will slow down metabolism resulting in Hypothyroidism which creates symptoms such as weight gain, feeling cold, fatigue, irregular menstruation, brain fog, depression, increased blood pressure and cholesterol, dry skin, hair loss and constipation.  On the other hand, overproduction leads to Hyperthyroidism which speeds up the body’s metabolism.  Classic features include weight loss, nervousness, anxiety, intolerance to heat, excessive sweating, palpitations and insomnia. 

Get the correct Tests 

Most physicians believe that the patient is fine if TSH values are within the “normal” range, however the TSH value is grossly unreliable at determining low thyroid function.  Often patients are given prescription medication for low thyroid or dismissed entirely because their TSH and T4 levels are “normal” according to the conventional understanding. 

The upper limit for TSH accepted conventionally is between 4 and 5 mU/L.  However, from a naturopathic perspective, the acceptable upper limit is 2.5 mU/L, with most patients feeling best at 1.5-2 mU/L.  This discrepancy of opinion is one of the main factors resulting in underdiagnoses which affects health and quality of life. 

Measuring free T3 and free T4 levels is essential.  Fluctuating levels along with TSH measurements can distinguish between cellular resistance to active T3 or conversion problems from T4 to T3. 

Thyroid antibodies must also be tested to ascertain any autoimmune issues and is the best way to diagnose Hashimoto’s.  The common antibodies tested are Anti-TPO (thyroid peroxidase) and Anti-TGA (thyroglobulin). 

Finally, reverse T3 testing is crucial as it is the third most abundant form of thyroid hormone. Active T3 can sometimes be diverted back into an inactive “reserve” form which happens during times of illness or stress. This is worth checking when fT3 is low but fT4 and TSH are normal.          

Treat the Cause 

The physiology of this gland is complex and is interconnected with other endocrine glands, immune system, the gut, and various cellular signals A multitude of factors influence thyroid function, which if overlooked, may worsen the condition. Some of these factors are: 

Stress an inescapable part of modern day life and a major contributor toward thyroid issues.  Chronic or high stress elevates cortisol which when prolonged, fatigues the pituitary and adrenal glands and interferes with TSH.  Many overweight individuals attribute weight gain to low thyroid function, not realizing the connection to high stress and cortisol levels which further inhibit weight loss.   

Conversion of T4 into T3– Most thyroid patients receive a medication called Thyroxin which is mostly T4; this is not effective if conversion into T3 is problematic. T4 comprises 90% of thyroid hormone, however up to 60% of conversion into the active T3 form takes place in the liver. A sluggish liver despite normal liver enzymes on lab tests, will impede conversion.  Toxins from the environment and food need to be detoxified effectively by the liver, so naturopathic support for the liver may be needed. Another twenty percent of the conversion into T3 takes place in the gut so healthy digestive function is vital as well.   

Mineral and vitamin deficiencies these are common since iodine (present in T3 and T4), selenium, iron and even Vitamin D are all necessary for proper thyroid function and are involved in converting T4 into T3.  Tyrosine, zinc and methylfolate are also major players, which if deficient, can lower T3.   

Hormonal imbalances in particular excess estrogens from birth control pills, xenoestrogens from plastics and toxins in the environment, hormone-injected meats – all lower thyroid hormone. Hormones interact with each other and excess estrogens interfere by increasing the protein that binds to thyroid hormone (TBG) making it inactive. 

Naturopathic management always aims to treat the root cause. Diet is the foundation, and specific nutrients and natural medicines are used to regulate and restore thyroid function as well as to clear dysbiosis and improve gut function. 

To learn more and explore possible imbalances call today on +9714 3447333 or email us to book a consultation with Dr Faryal 



Rooted in passion the Hundred Wellness Centre offers a wide range of classes, treatment options and lifestyle consultancy services, that are unique to the UAE and are designed to help you better understand your body, mind and spirit. One of the things that we pride ourselves on is that we also offer a cutting edge range of highly specialized, non-invasive diagnostic tools, state-of-the-art screening programs and therapies that complement our day- to-day health and fitness services. One of these technologies is the AlfaSight 9000 that when used in combination, as part of a bespoke program, can help our in-house experts by providing a 360-degree view of your body’s overall condition, and provide extra information that enhances your diet and fitness efforts and can even anticipate problems before they arise.  

The AlfaSight 9000, non-invasively conducts a whole-body scan of the autonomic nervous system allows for the early detection of potential dysfunctions of the body.
This non-invasive thermography test can identify possible problems a person may encounter down the line with glands and tissues, vascular problems and musculoskeletal disorders and various inflammatory conditions, allowing you, with our assistance to take preventative action with your diet and lifestyle. To do this the AlfaSight 9000 uses a temperature sensor to take temperature measurements at over 100 points on the body; gathering information about the functioning health of the nervous system and blood flow of your major organs, glands, lymph, sinuses and teeth.  

This unique diagnostic tool is not new and is actually supported by 30 years of research and over 7,000 published medical studies. The AlfaSight 9000 measures the amount of heat being emitted from the body due to the inflammatory process in the area being studied. Surface temperature of the human body is symmetrical (virtually the same on both sides). Inflammation at any tissue depth will be recorded by the sympathetic fibers in the nerve supply to that area. This information will be processed through the Central Nervous System which will cause a sympathetic response in the area of skin corresponding to the affected site, and the AlfaSight 9000 will detect this change. Thermography screening is 100% safe, radiation free, and will take approximately 30-60 minutes depending on the number of regions of the body to be studied. 

So, if you are interested in knowing more about your body, the AlfaSight 9000 can be a great option as it can literally evaluate the physiology of your whole body in a matter of minutes. Call us on +9714 344 7333 or email us to book your session and consultation.



Beauty comes from within… in more ways than one! The texture, tone and overall complexion of your skin tells others a lot about your general state of health. Did you know that only 20- 30% of the skin aging process is actually determined by genetics? The rest is in your control! 

It is commonly said amongst Naturopathic Doctors that the state of one’s skin reflects the health of the gastrointestinal tract or gut, as the building blocks to create and regenerate healthy cells actually start in the gut! So, what we put into our bodies, ultimately determines how well we age, and how inflamed our cells are – many skin complaints can be treated by eliminating irritating and chemically-laden foods and by incorporating a good skin-diet and powerful antioxidants into our diets. 

Join us at The Hundred Wellness Centre on Saturday June 23rd at 3pm sharp for a two-hour information packed talk in which you will learn more about: 

  • Theories on aging, and how you can push the clock back to enjoy a clearer, younger looking, more radiant complexion.  
  • The role of gut health, hormonal triggers, stress and how they contribute to “inflammaging”.  
  • The best nutrients for glowing complexion, and the treatments to keep it healthy. 

Leading this talk is Dr Faryal Luhar our in-house Naturopathic Doctor. Dr. Faryal has successfully worked with many individuals suffering from various skin concerns such as acne, dark circles, puffiness, fine lines/wrinkles, cold sores, eczema and psoriasis.   

We truly believe that the products that you put on your skin, what you’re eating, and your personal nutrition and lifestyle choices are really integral to your health and your overall wellness. So we want to be able to offer support to anyone that feels that they need some more encouragement, and more guidance in adopting a healthier lifestyle. This talk is a fantastic opportunity and starting point for anyone who wants to take control of their skin naturally from a diet and overall wellness perspective. Sign up today as spots are limited! 

 Talk Details: 

When: June 23rd at 3pm-5pm sharp 

Where: The Hundred Wellness Centre Café 

Fees: AED79 per person 

Facilitator: Dr Faryal Luhar 

Bonus: You’ll even leave with a delicious all-natural skin-care recipe to enjoy whenever your skin needs a little pampering. 

Space is limited so please contact us on +9714 344 7333 or via email us  to book your spot 


When it comes to our physical health, we all know the importance of our food choices. However, when it comes to taking care of our mental health and minds, the part that food plays is somehow overlooked. Which is such a shame because having a healthy diet rich in nutrients and antioxidants has been clinically shown to significantly improve our moods, and general well-being. 

Having said this we are not disregarding that serious mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and other psychiatric disorders require appropriate management by a doctor, but the positive impact that diet can have shouldn’t be neglected. In fact, making sure that we get all the vitamins and minerals we need can help our brain chemistry and make it easier for us to take charge of our mental health. 

If you’d like to take a few extra steps today that can help improve your mental well-being and make you feel better overall, here are a few diet changes that you can try out for a few weeks to see what happens and ultimately how you feel: 

Eliminate GMOs 

Genetically-modified foods (GMOs) are biological products that are laced and saturated with toxic herbicides, and because they are largely unstudied, we are only now beginning to understand how they do their damage, as well as the relevance of the gut to mental health. (GMOs in our books are THE WORST and should be avoided at every cost) Here’s what we do know: people almost ALWAYS report some degree of improvement once eliminating all GMO foods from their diet. So, start looking more closely at food labels when you at are the grocery store next time, and you will most probably be surprised to find in the small print that at least one of the ingredients has been genetically modified!  

Eliminate Gluten 

Gluten is often processed with genetically-modified oils and is just plain unhealthy.  The proteins in gluten are gut irritants: it’s as if they create little papercuts in the lining of your gut, causing an inflammatory response from the body, which is not good. Many people with mental health issues and well as ADHD and even Autism have seen marked improvement when removing gluten from their diets. 

Eliminate Sugar 

Often, this is the second or third ingredient on any package of food on grocery store shelf, and as humans we are simply were not built to manage the (at least) 22 teaspoons of sugar that many of us ingest daily! Clinically, sugar imbalance can look like depression, panic disorder, and even bipolar. Oh, and did we mention that its addictive?! The best way to avoid extra sugars? Stick to whole foods that you prepare yourself and stay away from fast foods and packaged ones as well. 

These are possibly the top three brain sabotagers, but unfortunately there are more where these came from. The biggest take-a-way here? Do not underestimate the power of your diet to influence your mental health.  

Mindfully supporting your body and mind through the times that you don’t feel your best offers you the opportunity to take a look at the symptoms and see how small changes to your diet and lifestyle can affect your overall wellbeing. We believe that when it comes to dealing with our bodies and minds, there is always a natural and gentler way to approach things. 

If you feel that this is something you would like to learn more about reach out to us and we will connect you with one of our team members that can guide you further to a more natural and healthy lifestyle. 



Are you ready for a total body re-set? Imagine being able to kick-start your metabolism, enhance your immunity, and extend your lifespan; all while losing excess fat and feeling more energized. Well, by fasting you can!  When you fast, you actually give your cells a chance to detox and recycle, so your body can slow down aging, and it even helps prevent age-related diseases. 

As the holy month of Ramadan is almost here, take the opportunity to learn how fasting can actually change the physiology of your body, cleansing and re-setting it to improve all of its functions. 

Some health benefits of fasting include: 

  • Healthy aging  
  • Improved insulin sensitivity 
  • Protects brain 
  • Sharper mental clarity and focus 
  • Better weight management 

Join us on Monday May 14th for a transformative discussion with Dr. Faryal our in-house Naturopathic doctor, on the many benefits of fasting. There’s no question that fasting is a powerful and therapeutic process, so whether your fast is practiced as part of a religious tradition, or a wellness regime, you will definitely benefit from attending this talk. 

When: Monday May 14th at 10am-11am followed by a Q&A session

Where: The Hundred Wellness Centre 

Facilitator: Dr. Faryal Luhar, Naturopathic Doctor 

Space is limited so please contact us on+9714 344 7333 or via email us on [email protected] to book your spot and get Ramadan ready! 


Free Talk | Gut Instincts – you are what you eat 

Gut health is not just about digestion; gut health affects everything from our mood, brain function, sleep, weight, hormones, allergies and immune system.

Join us for an insightful discussion with Dr. Faryal Luhar about ‘Gut Intelligence’ and how your gut health is not just about digestion!

Digestive dysfunctions can lead to various imbalances on physical, emotional and mental levels. What you eat is just as important as how you eat and how well nutrients are absorbed. Indigestion, cramps, bloating, acid reflux and bloating are common GI complaints, but they are not the only symptoms associated with poor digestive health.

In this discussion Dr Luhar will also take a look at how diet plays a role in gene expression. Learn how your genes interact with your environment to reveal and manifest health or disease.

Join us to find out more about the fascinating relationship between our diet and the incredible world of our gut.

Spaces are limited, so please call us on +9714 344 7333 or email us on [email protected] to reserve your spot.


When: Monday April 30th   10am sharp

Where: The Hundred Wellness Centre

Cost: Free

Facilitator: Dr Faryal Luhar, Naturopathic Doctor


Please join us and give a big Hundred welcome to the latest addition to our team, Dr. Faryal Luhar!

Dr. Faryal is a fully licensed naturopathic doctor and graduate of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Canada. She has been in practice in Canada and South Africa for 15 years and is now based in Jumeirah at The Hundred Wellness Centre as our resident Naturopathic Doctor.  

With a passion for the body’s innate healing power and the integration of naturopathic medicines and therapies, Dr. Faryal offers patients comprehensive naturopathic medical care and education to optimize their health and wellbeing. Treatment plans are tailor-made to suit each individual’s specific needs and goals, while supporting the individual’s inherent capacity to self-heal.  

She has published several articles in leading wellness magazines and she aims to empower and educate her patients to take charge of their health by living a happy, balanced life full of vitality and possibilities. To get a sneak peek at one of her latest contributions on Diabetes click here  

While Dr. Faryal does have a focus on Women’s Health, she treats a wide range of conditions from pain syndromes such as migraines, to chronic diseases such as diabetes. Removing obstacles to health and restoring physiology and function facilitates healthy ageing, stronger immunity, sharper mental clarity, and enhanced emotional wellbeing. Prevention is at the heart of Naturopathic Medicine and as such she also promotes gene-based healthcare by offering patients a glance at their own genetic susceptibilities towards disease and empowers them to become the author of their own health journey. All of which matches perfectly with our ethos here at The Hundred! 

Some of the therapies and services that Dr Faryal provides and facilitates: 

  • Clinical Nutrition Therapy 
  • Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture/Cupping 
  • Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture 
  • Combination Homeopathic Remedies 
  • Lifestyle Counselling 
  • Stress Management 
  • Functional Laboratory Tests (Panels for hormones, neurotransmitters, food allergies/sensitivities, body composition analysis, adrenal function, oxidative stress, inflammation) 


Dr. Faryal has started seeing patients and looks forward to providing you with exceptional care. If you are interested in booking an appointment or for a consultation, please call the centre on +9714 344 7333 or email us    


Keeping your family healthy is not always easy. We all know that with the busy-ness of daily life paired with the challenges of preparing healthy meals and making time for exercise, living well can be challenging to say the least! 

The good news is that there are some great, practical, and convenient ways to overcome many of these challenges. And the even better news is that you are only one step away from receiving those valuable tools and tips that will help you learn some real solutions for some of the most common problems faced by families today! 

So, if you would like to learn some tips on how you can build the health of your whole family – join Ryan Penny at The Hundred as he shares his own family’s approach to living well in Dubai, and then learn how to make the Penny Family’s nutritious and delicious ‘Immune Boosting Breakfast Smoothie’ (known to be a hit with kids of all ages!) 

Join us and learn the steps to experiencing more active and truly healthy lives! 


What: Join us for a discussion on family health and breakfast smoothie 

When: 15th April, Sunday 

Where: The Hundred Wellness Centre 

Time: 10:00am sharp 

10:00am – 10:45am: General discussion on family health with a Q&A session.  

10:45am – 11:00am:  Learn from Ryan how he makes his ‘Immune Boosting Breakfast Smoothie’ and of course have a taste as well! 

Spots are limited. To reserve your seat email [email protected] or call us today on +971 4 344 7333 

infrared sauna

What if we told you that we have a tool that can warm up, relax AND detox your body all at once?? Well, we do! Let us introduce the Infrared Sauna. 

 Ok, but what’s the difference between using a regular sauna and infrared sauna? The biggest difference is that infrared heating penetrates much deeper into fat tissue and your neuromuscular system. Also, in an infrared sauna, sweating occurs at a lower temperature which in turn puts less demand on the cardiovascular system. The benefits of these saunas are thought to be a result of the heat actually reaching the neuromuscular system providing quicker recovery. 

Another difference is that infrared saunas use heat and light to create the warmth that penetrates your body to help you to detox, very similar to the infrared rays of the sun, which as well all know are the healthiest rays out there!  

What are some of the potential benefits? 

  • Detoxification: All that sweating you’ll be doing? It helps move the toxins out of your body through your sweat. 
  • Pain relief: The heat can actually reach and penetrate your muscles and can provide relief from chronic pain. 
  • Stress reduction: It’s easy for your stress to reduce when you’re in a disconnected and relaxed state. The gentle heat relaxes you and can also improve your sleep. 
  • Skin purification: You will love that immediately after detoxing in an infrared sauna you will notice that your skin is glowing because the impurities have been pushed out.  

So, in a nutshell, this therapy can give you some great benefits without the risks of traditional saunas. 

Ready to try for yourself? To book your sessions and try it for yourself call us on +9714 344 9333 or email us.