“I have been doing pilates at the Hundred Pilates Studio Dubai for 3 years. I wanted to strengthen my core muscles and in general, also be fit. When I was pregnant I did a few sessions a week and felt it really helped me keep fit and prepare me for the birth. Whilst pregnant, I didn’t experience any pregnancy related back pain or posture problems. When I had Lucy, my daughter, the birth was very quick, normal and straightforward for a first baby. I really felt that pilates helped me – the key muscles used in pilates are ones very instrumental for the birth. After the birth I did some gentle pelvic floor exercises, as recommended by the hospital physio before taking up pilates again. Getting back into it again has made me realise just how fit I was when I was pregnant! The last thing my doctor said to me was ‘Look after your pelvic floor muscles’ – and I plan to do just that. “- Sarah Sangster
To book your prenatal and postnal Pilates private session in with The Hundred, simply call us on: 04- 4298433
Visit: www.thehundred.ae