They may look like upscale torture chambers in polished wood, but Gyrotonic aims to ease your pain, not to cause it.

The words “gyro” (spiral) and “tonic” (tone), Gyrotonic promises to enhance range of motion, balance and coordination, to stretch and strengthen muscles and tendons, and to articulate and mobilize joints.
“The machines are built around the body and allow the body to move with no end point,” Matt Aversa, vice president of Gyrotonic International, explained.
“Patients with scoliosis have decreased their curvatures. People with osteoporosis have increased their bone density. People with low back pain now move freely,” he said.
The gyrotonic method is based on exercises developed in the 1970s by Juliu Horvath and represents a unique three-dimensional approach to exercise that increases strength, flexibility and range of motion. It guides your movements with resistance along circular pathways that nurture the natural curves of the body. The continuous gyrotonic rhythmic movement elongates the spine and rejuvenates the spirit, bringing the entire body and mind into balance, resulting in a balanced support system for the skeleton.
Do I need prior experience in Pilates or yoga to do gyrotonic?
It is a common misperception that you need to have a strong Pilates practice, or simply a strong connection to your core, in order to do gyrotonic. While some people who are more loosely strung together can benefit from learning Pilates first, this is not always the case. Some people do better with gyrotonic first, because they are more comfortable working in the large range of motion provided by the exercises and the pulley system.
Who benefits from gyrotonic?
The founder of the system, Juliu Horvath, was a dancer and initially had dancers in mind when he was developing the exercise system, but quickly realized that anyone wishing to improve strength, flexibility and coordination would benefit. Gyrotonic is also used extensively in the rehab world, and has been found to be particularly suitable for developing range of motion after breast cancer surgery and back surgery, as well as improving various joint ailments such as arthritis and osteoporosis.
Is gyrotonic exercise the same as stretching?
While the gyrotonic method does improve flexibility, this is only one aspect of the benefits provided by the system. A gyrotonic workout is a full-body workout focused on both strengthening and stretching, while increasing the functional capacity of the spine, improving posture, balance and coordination. In addition to the exercises focused specifically on the movement of the spine, there are also exercises targeting the arms, legs, butt and abdominals.
Dive into Sara’s interview and Gryo-demo with Out & About TV show:
Sara Davis Certified Pilates Trainer, Lisenced Gyrotonic® And Gyrokinesis® Trainer will be offering gyrotonic classes every Sunday & Monday.
Timings: 8am – 9am, 9am – 10am, 10am – 11am.
Sara comes to us from the beautiful state of North Carolina, USA where she grew up competing gymnastics through college. In 1999 Sara began studying and teaching Pilates through PhysicalMind Institute. Always staying on the cutting edge of fitness, she later discovered a passion for Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis, which have become her focus to this day. Sara mastered the Gyrokinesis work in 2002 and the following year received her Gyrotonic certification. Sara’s healthy and very active background has provided a strong foundation for her in learning, teaching and performing Pilates and Gyrotonic/Gyrokinesis movements. Prior to moving to Dubai, Sara owned and operated a private studio for five years in Raleigh, NC. When she is not teaching at The Hundred, Sara enjoys travel, Iron Distance Triathlon and time with her sweet puppy, hubby and her son Owen.
Book your spot by contacting our studio on: 04-429 8433
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