Weight Management With Nutritional Well-being | The Hundred

Weight Management With Nutritional Well-being | The Hundred

June 22, 2021

Humans are generally blessed with healthy bodies, and our diet is the fuel that contributes to our well-being. The fuel we consume is crucial and plays an essential role in our everyday life. A balanced diet consisting of the important nutrients can help you regain your health and help you perform your tasks with improved concentration and attention. Nutrition is not just for the body but is also an important component of mental health as certain foods can improve your wellness and boost your mood.

The resident dietitian at our wellness center recommends the following guidelines for overall nutritional wellness:

Sugar and its harms: Sugary drinks are amongst the worst foods you can consume. It is one of the most fattening items as the brain doesn’t measure calories from liquid sugar the same way it does in solid food, and this causes us to consume more calories than we usually would. Certain fruit juices are also just as bad as aerated drinks as the positive effects may be cancelled due to the harmful effects of sugar.

Avoid processed food: Processed food is engineered for increased consumption, which means that they are specifically created for the masses, and in some cases, promotes overeating or food addiction.

Additionally, they are low in essential nutrients and high in unhealthy ingredients such as sugar and refined grains. For these reasons, it is best to replace your junk or fast food with organic food, as this will promote nutritional wellness and create positive changes in your body.

Reduce intake of refined carbs: Refined carbs include refined flour, pasta, white bread, and white rice. These carbohydrates are not created equally and are highly processed to remove fiber. The downside is that they are relatively low in nutrients and can harm your health if consumed in excess. Research has also indicated that refined carbs are linked to overeating and other metabolic diseases.

Replace your cooking oil with extra virgin olive oil: Some of the cooking oils have high saturated fat levels, which has been linked to an increase in cholesterol levels, contributing to heart diseases. However, extra virgin olive oil is a healthy substitute and is loaded with healthy monounsaturated fats and powerful antioxidants, fighting inflammation in the body. Moreover, people who regularly consume olive oil have a lesser risk of heart attack and stroke.

Have a protein-rich diet: Protein intake is vital for your overall health as protein helps with weight loss, boosts your metabolism, and satisfies your appetite. When you feel satisfied, you are less likely to overeat and will automatically consume fewer calories. This can also help you get rid of your unhealthy snacking habits and reduce cravings for junk food. Additionally, protein intake has also been shown to lower blood sugar and blood pressure levels.

Probiotics: The bacteria in your gut is helpful for your overall health, and a disruption in this bacteria has been linked to some chronic diseases such as obesity. You can improve your gut health by eating probiotic foods like yogurt, sauerkraut, or otherwise eat food rich in fiber, as fiber acts like fuel for the gut bacteria.

Identify your unhealthy eating habits and take simple steps each day for weight management. Intense restrictive diets are not the answer as they may promote overeating. Instead, make sure to consume nutrient-rich food for overall well-being.