Grow together
Marriage Coaching
Marriage coaching seeks to equip couples with the skills and tools needed to navigate challenges as a team and learn to grow together as partners.
Marriage coaches in Dubai can offer an objective, expert perspective on your relationship and provide transformative insights and advice. It is particularly beneficial for couples who are considering divorce, going through a divorce, or who have gone through a divorce and want to establish a healthy relationship — especially when they have children.
Other benefits include helping couples to communicate better and resolve conflict in a healthy manner, overcoming relationship roadblocks and developing a deep understanding of one another’s needs and desires.

What to expect from marriage coaching in Dubai
In an initial consultation, our relationship coach will work to get to know you as a couple and gain an understanding of the issues you face. Following this, the coaching process is tailored to meet your needs and help you achieve your goals. For the most successful outcome, partners are encouraged to commit to the entire coaching process.

Improve communication
Restore relationships
- Renew commitment
Roh Hafez
Roh has a Masters Degree in Psychology with Emphasis on Marriage and Family Therapy and is a certified Coach and NLP practitioner. Her mission is to support the journey of individuals, couples and families to find meaning, purpose, congruence and harmony in their personal and professional lives and relationships.
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