Yoga Poses That Improve Posture | Yoga Dubai | The Hundred

Improve Your Posture With These Yoga Poses

February 17, 2020

Often an overlooked subject, bad posture is something that should be taken seriously. It affects individuals regardless of age and often leads to spinal degeneration. Research has shown that the age bracket of individuals suffering from spinal degeneration is decreasing at an alarming rate. Recent studies suggest that kids as young as 10 years old are showing signs of spinal degeneration.

The Dangers of Bad Posture

Apart from low self-confidence, bad posture can also cause chronic pain in the back, shoulders, and neck muscles. Similarly, an overcorrected posture can lead to stiffness and muscle tension. 

Poor posture can also cause several negative effects in the body. For example, the misalignment of the spine caused by bad posture can affect your body’s mobility and balance. This causes stress on certain parts of the body including the joints. When your body’s posture is disrupted, it can also deter blood circulation, which is important for the distribution of nutrients within the body. More than just good posture, a properly aligned spine can keep you away from serious health issues in the future.

The Power of Yoga

Perhaps the most popular form of activity that can help alleviate the symptoms of bad posture is yoga. Yoga helps the overall wellbeing of an individual. This can be achieved through varying poses that increase flexibility, muscle strength, blood circulation, vitality, and endurance. The following are some yoga poses that can help you achieve better posture.

  • Mountain Pose

One of the most basic poses of yoga, the mountain pose is also called Tadasana or Samasthiti. This is the basis of many standing asanas. The mountain pose is simple to perform and greatly improves posture. It also reduces back pain and strengthens the muscles.  

  • Bridge Pose

The bridge pose is done on your back. Also known as Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, this pose stretches the chest, hips, neck, and especially the spine. It also improves blood circulation and digestion. Typically, you can stay in this pose for 30 seconds to a minute, after which you release as you exhale and roll your spine slowly towards the floor. 

  • Cobra Pose

Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose can be done to enhance the flexibility and mobility of the spine. While strengthening the back muscles, it also improves spine alignment and posture. It starts with lying on the stomach, hands pressed under the shoulders, and lifting the body up resembling a cobra. 

  • Warrior 1

The Virabhadrasana I is a popular yoga pose that can be easily performed. Aside from working the muscles in your arms, shoulders, back, and abdomen, it greatly enhances stability and posture. It also encourages increased focus, mental clarity, and concentration. 

  • Standing Forward Bend

If done regularly, the standing forward bend pose, otherwise known as Uttanasana can relieve the stiffness of the back improving the mobility of the spine and its alignment. This helps in improving the posture.

Reverse The Effects of Bad Posture With Yoga

The discomfort, strain, and stress caused by bad posture can affect daily activities. Since bad posture is associated with several illnesses, addressing it is very important. Fortunately, it can be easily corrected as well. With yoga, the body is strengthened and muscles are stretched to reverse the effects of sitting all day, which is all too common in people working sedentary desk jobs.  

Implementing yoga in your daily health regimen can benefit you in the long run. So start investing in your health by attending a yoga class at our wellness center. Join us to discover how yoga can change your life. To find out more about our yoga classes or to book a session.