Meditation Can Help When Working At Home | The Hundred Wellness Centre

Meditation And How It Can Help You In A Work-From-Home Lifestyle

December 28, 2021

Practising meditation can help you in building and training your awareness. This can be helpful in maintaining your work/life balance. 


Remote work has become the norm for many individuals since the pandemic. Research has shown that factors associated with remote work such as loneliness and an increased inability to disconnect from work assignments are causing an increase in burnouts. Meditation may hold the answers on how to prevent this from happening. 


Meditating can help with aspects in your life like creating a healthy sense of perspective. Meditation makes use of mindfulness. This is understood as being fully engaged with the moments you experience throughout the day. 


Many people have the false idea that meditation is about switching off your brain and doing nothing. This is not the truth. It is about centering yourself and focusing on the body in a way that can encourage you to relax and bring about peace. Training yourself to focus on your breathing is used as an activity to encourage building the muscles in your brain that will allow you to be more attentive. This activity also teaches us to have better patience levels.


It is a skill that needs to be practised continually in order to train your mind-body connection. You should try to meditate consistently and continually to achieve the best results. 


Patience and focus are transferable skills that can be used when working from home. It is no secret that patience often needs to be exercised in the workplace – no matter where you are working from. You need it to deal with the stresses of deadlines, working with people and difficult projects. Focus is a great competency to have, to better divide your work life and your personal life during “home office” hours. 


Meditation can help reduce brain chatter. This will help in combating issues you may be having with disconnecting from your work after 5 pm. Being mindful of the moments you experience after office hours will help to reduce stress and maintain a healthier work/life balance. Overlapping responsibilities do not have to create issues or weigh you down if you learn to be mindful. 


Meditation can also help you to decompress after a stressful day. Many find it difficult to switch off their brain after being busy. Taking some time to dedicate to yourself and creating a relaxing environment for your mind can help in achieving better sleeping habits. This will benefit your overall health and productivity at work. 


It is easy to incorporate meditation in the typical work-from-home day because beginners usually start with 5-10 minutes of practice a day. You can even start during your lunch breaks. 


Set aside a few minutes to recenter and it could help you build the skills you need to get through the workweek and enjoy your downtime.