4 Easy Pilates Exercises For Seniors with benefits | The Hundred

Senior Citizen’s Day: 5 Easy Pilates Exercises For Seniors And Their Benefits

August 8, 2021

It’s senior citizens month, and there cannot be a better time to emphasize the range of health benefits seniors can avail of by incorporating Pilates into their lifestyle. From a classic, mat, contemporary to clinical and Reformer Pilates. Pilates has many variations that every age group can benefit from. In this article, we will discuss the 4 easy Pilates exercises for seniors and their benefits.

Pilates Kneeling Rear Leg Raise

You will have to position your body on all four sides with the weight evenly distributed between the elbows and knees to do this exercise. Then gently engage the core and extend the right leg back with the toes pointed and hovering slightly above the ground. Keep the legs straight and lift the leg as high as possible without causing any discomfort or arching in the back. Finally, lower the leg back slowly to the starting, switch legs, and repeat.

  • Benefit- This workout is designed to engage the core and lower body, which helps in building stronger glutes and gradually improves mobility. 

 Pilates Mermaid

You will have to sit on the mat with both legs folded to the left side to do this exercise. Next, place the right hand on the floor to give your body support when you sit up. Then while keeping the left shoulder down, extend your left arm, strengthen them up and lengthen the spine as your body stretches to the side. The opposite (supporting) hand will move far away from the body to increase the stretch when you do this. But make sure you are not over-challenging your body, or your ribs are not popping forward.

Then slowly send the left side bone down and engage the core to bring the torso up. This will return you to the starting position, and then you can repeat the same step on the other side to complete the full movement.

  • Benefit- Improves flexibility by stretching obliques, deep back muscles, lats, shoulder, and hips. It also helps elders open the side body, lengthening the muscles between ribs and pelvis, allowing complete chest expansion when breathing.

Side Circles

To do this exercise, you have to lay on the side and slightly extend your legs towards the ceiling (without causing any discomfort). Then move your legs counterclockwise in small circles and follow it up with clockwise movement in small circles. Once you’re done with one side, lower the leg, switch sides, and repeat the steps on the other side to get the whole movement.

  • Benefit – This exercise allows to stabilize the trunk as the lower body moves independently. Since it also works the adductor muscles, which draws your legs together, it increases the strength and flexibility of these muscles and reduces the risk of knee pain.

Chair Pilates 

Chair Pilates exercises are an exclusive adaptation of Pilates for the active older adult, seniors, or those with restrictions. The authenticity of the basic Pilates movements is reduced as they are modified with the assistance of a chair. Therefore, this is more suitable for seniors who require more help when it comes to Pilates.

  • Benefit – Chair Pilates helps to strengthen the core, which allows enhancing good balance while improving coordination. The use of a chair also reduces the risk of falls and injuries so those with balance or mobility issues can safely practice Pilates.

If you’re looking for a practical Pilates class in Dubai that can precisely cater to your age and expected health outcomes, contact us at the Hundred Wellness Centre. Pilates is at the core of our range of services. We offer various classes, including Mat Pilates, Reformer Pilates, Chair Pilates, Circuit classes, and even ladies only Pilates classes. We know every client is unique, so our offerings are designed to suit varying levels and different interests.