diabetes Archives | The Hundred


Did you know that in the UAE there is a disease that affects ONE in every FIVE people living in the UAE? Its growth can certainly be described as a “Tsunami of Diabetes”! And studies show the rates rising steadily with approximately 450,000 undiagnosed cases, and a 2017 survey points out that 15% of expats and one-fifth of Emiratis in Dubai are diabetic! What makes this even worse is that according to the statistics many who develop diabetes are children as young as 13 years old!

So, what can be done to combat this disease? We had a chat with our in-house Naturopath Dr Faryal Luhar and here are her thoughts:

With Diabetes the conventional approaches typically focus on medications to lower blood sugar levels and improve insulin function, however it is important to identify and treat the underlying contributing factors. Diabetes is primarily caused by lifestyle and environmental factors, which if addressed properly, can actually prevent and possibly reverse the course of disease!

Poor-quality diet and nutritional deficiencies, lack of exercise or too much sitting, poor sleep, and of course stress are some of the main culprits. Environmental toxins and genetic susceptibilities also play a big role, but as Dr. Mark Hyman says, “while genes may load the gun, environment and lifestyle pull the trigger”!

So by realizing that Food is Medicine and is the most powerful tool against disease will lay the foundation for great health. An emphasis on real, nutrient-dense foods such as meat, fish, organic vegetables and fruits, nuts and seeds, and some starchy foods like sweet potatoes will provide the body with the necessary nutrients to combat high blood sugar and balance metabolic problems. Processed foods create havoc with blood sugar balance and provide little to no nutritional value.

Examining one’s lifestyle to address areas that need attention such as exercise or sleep or digestion are equally important. Diabetes CAN be prevented and reversed with effective nutritional and lifestyle strategies. Even those with advanced disease can make improvements with natural medicines and therapies designed to restore the way cells and the body functions!

So, if you or a loved one suffers from this disease or if you would like to know how you can help educate your family to protect them email or call us on +9714 344 7333 to book a session with Dr Faryal Luhar today!