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ADHD is a problem that many children face, which can make it challenging for them to concentrate, control their behavior, and finish tasks. People usually treat it with medicine, but some parents are beginning to increasingly try occupational therapy as another option. The question is whether occupational therapy can assist children with ADHD in focusing and controlling their behavior.

First, it’s essential to understand what occupational therapy is. Generally people with ADHD may find daily tasks like eating, dressing, and grooming might be difficult, and occupational therapy aims to help these people learn or relearn these skills. For children, this can also include activities related to play, school, and socialization.

Helps With Organization And Time Management

When it comes to ADHD, occupational therapy can be used to address a variety of symptoms. For example, children with ADHD often struggle with organization and time management. Occupational therapists and clinical psychologists can work with these children to develop strategies for planning and prioritizing tasks, breaking down large tasks into smaller ones, and managing their time effectively. They can also help children with ADHD build routines and schedules that make it easier to stay on track.

Improves Self-regulation

Another common symptom of ADHD is difficulty with self-regulation, or the ability to control one’s emotions and behavior. Occupational therapists can help children with ADHD develop coping strategies for frustration, anger, and impulsivity. They can also work with children to identify triggers for negative behavior and develop strategies for avoiding or managing them.

Enhances Fine Motor Skills

Occupational therapy can help children with ADHD improve their fine motor skills, which can, in turn, strengthen their ability to write, draw, and manipulate objects. This can be particularly helpful for children who struggle with handwriting or other fine motor tasks.

So, what does occupational therapy for ADHD look like in practice?

The first steps often involve thoroughly reviewing the child’s unique strengths, limitations, and ADHD symptoms. From there, the occupational therapist will develop a treatment plan that is tailored to the child’s needs.

This plan may include a variety of different interventions, such as:

  • Developing routines and schedules to help the child manage their time more effectively

  • Teaching organizational and planning skills, such as breaking down tasks into smaller steps

  • Practicing coping strategies for dealing with frustration, anger, and impulsivity

  • Engaging in activities that promote fine motor skills, such as drawing or crafts

  • Participating in physical activities that promote self-regulation, such as yoga or martial arts

  • In addition to these interventions, occupational therapists may work with parents and teachers to develop strategies for supporting the child with ADHD in different settings. This can include classroom or home accommodations to help the child stay focused and on-task.

Of course, occupational therapy is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and not all children with ADHD will benefit from this type of therapy. Parents must work closely with their child’s healthcare team to determine the best treatment for their children. However, occupational therapy can be valuable to some children’s treatment plans.

So finally to the question, can occupational therapy help children with ADHD?

Yes, occupational therapy can help children with ADHD. By collaborating with an occupational therapist in, children can develop the necessary abilities and methods to cope with their symptoms and enhance their daily life. If your child has ADHD, you could be searching for ways to help them. Consider looking into occupational therapy as a treatment choice at a professional wellness centre. It is one of the most effective ways to personalize your child’s ADHD management journey in safe hands.

Are you looking to try a healthy way of eating and wondering about the difference between vegan, vegetarian, and plant-based diets? It’s easy to get confused, but don’t worry – we’re here to help! All three focus on plant foods, so they’re pretty distinct.

Keep reading to learn more about the terminology and what each diet includes. By the end, you’ll have a much better understanding of these healthy ways of eating. So, let’s dive in and explore together!

What Is A Plant-Based Diet?

A plant-based diet fills your plate with natural, unprocessed foods like veggies, fruits, legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. For a delicious and convenient way to explore this way of eating, why not visit a healthy Café and sample some tasty plant-based options? Even if you’re not ready to go fully vegan or vegetarian, incorporating more plant-based foods into your diet can have numerous health benefits.

What Differentiates A Vegan From A Vegetarian?

Are you curious about the difference between a vegan and a vegetarian diet? If you’re eating a plant-based diet, you may be considering avoiding animal products. A vegan diet takes things further, excluding all meat and animal products, such as dairy, eggs, and seafood.

On the other hand, a vegetarian diet typically excludes meat, poultry, fish, and seafood but may still include dairy, eggs, or fish, depending on personal preferences. It’s worth noting that vegetarianism has different variations, each with its own guidelines.

In What Ways Can A Plant-Based Diet Help One’s Health?

By focusing on whole, minimally processed plant foods like veggies, fruits, legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds, you can reduce your risk of heart disease and enjoy various health benefits. These foods are low in saturated fat, high in heart-healthy fats, and packed with fiber.

While research shows that vegans and vegetarians tend to have a lower risk of specific health problems, it’s important to note that lifestyle factors like physical activity and alcohol consumption also play a role. If you’re curious about how a plant-based diet can benefit you, consider speaking with a dietician in Dubaiv for personalized support.

Nutrients For Vegan And Vegetarian Diets

Are you considering a vegan or vegetarian diet? If yes, then it’s essential to be mindful of your nutrient intake, especially if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, or have young children.

While these diets can be healthy, they require careful planning to ensure you get all the essential nutrients your body needs. You’ll want to focus on alternative protein sources (like tofu, legumes, nuts, and seeds), omega-3 fats, iron, zinc, and calcium. If you’re excluding all animal products, you’ll also need to consider vitamin B12, which is found in fortified foods or supplements.

On the other hand, if you’re considering a switch to a vegan or vegetarian diet, be sure to seek the help of a nutritionist in Dubai. They can provide you with one-on-one guidance and support to ensure your dietary needs are met. They can also help you design a meal plan that fits your needs, preferences, and way of life. Because of their knowledge, you can be confident you’re receiving the proper nutrition to feel good, look good, and perform at your best.

Looking for a nice restaurant to take your date or some pals on a food trip but still want to stick to your healthy eating goals? Then the first best option is to consider checking out a healthy Café!

We all know that eating out can be a challenge when trying to maintain a balanced diet, but this kind of café has got you covered. With a menu full of delicious and healthy options, you won’t have to sacrifice taste for nutrition.

Plus, you can enjoy your meal without overindulging, as the portions are just right. And the best part? You can eat out with your friends and still feel good about what you’re consuming for your body without sacrificing the social aspect of dining out.

It’s not just about the food, so make sure to choose a healthy cafe that serves refreshing drinks, such as fresh juices and smoothies. This way, you’ll feel proud to support a business that cares about sustainability and the environment.

But don’t worry! With a few simple tips, you can still eat out without giving up on your health goals.

Research Before You Go

Before heading out to a restaurant, look up their menu online for a few minutes. This way, you can review the options and make an informed decision about what to order. Look for dishes high in protein, fiber, and healthy fats, and avoid those fried, creamy, or loaded with sugar.

Choose Smaller Portions

Many restaurants serve oversized portions that are far larger than what we need. To avoid overeating, consider ordering a smaller size or splitting a dish with a friend. Alternatively, you can ask the waiter to box up half of your meal before it arrives. This way, you’ll have a tasty leftover for lunch the next day.

Ask For Modifications

Don’t be afraid to ask for alternatives if you want to ensure you don’t stray from your diet plan while eating out. Many restaurants, including some of the best ones in Dubai, are more than happy to accommodate special requests to satisfy their customers. By talking to your server or consulting with a nutritionist beforehand, you can easily modify your meal to better align with your dietary needs.

Whether it’s asking for dressing on the side, grilled instead of fried, or a substitute for a side dish, making small changes can have a significant impact on your overall health. So, next time you’re dining out, don’t hesitate to speak up and customize your order.

Share Dessert

Have a sweet tooth? Split a treat with your friend. This way, you can still enjoy a treat without consuming a large portion all by yourself. Plus, sharing is a great way to bond with your friends or family over a delicious delight.

Eating out doesn’t have to mean sacrificing your health. By following these simple tips, you can enjoy a tasty meal while staying on track with your diet. Remember to choose wisely, customize your order, and savor every bite!

If you still struggle to find a healthy place to eat, check out a healthy cafe in Dubai. These cafe’s typically offer healthy meal options that are tailored to your specific dietary needs. Alongside the dine out, going to a wellness center for a ladies only pilates sessions or an infrared sauna session can also help your body and mind feel refreshed and spend time with your friends in a healthy way.

Pilates, a low-impact exercise, has gained popularity recently because of its many health benefits, including its capacity to increase strength and flexibility. However, many people wonder if pilates can help with weight loss, specifically targeting the midsection for a flat stomach. This article will explore whether pilates is an effective workout for weight loss and achieving a toned stomach.

Firstly, it is essential to understand that pilates alone may not lead to significant weight loss. While it can help burn calories, it is not a high-intensity workout like running or weightlifting. However, pilates can be a valuable component of a weight loss program that also includes a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Through a reliable wellness centre, you can enroll in a pilates program and alongside work with a nutritionist to develop a customized meal plan that supports your weight loss goals. The nutritionist can also guide portion control, meal timing, and incorporating nutrient-dense foods into the diet. By combining pilates with a healthy diet, clients may see more significant results in terms of weight loss and overall wellness.

How Pilates Work?

Pilates is a complete body exercise that aims to improve stability, mobility, and strength. In addition to these benefits, it may also help with balance and posture, lessening stress and increasing calmness. During pilates classes, you can expect to perform exercises that engage the core, hips, glutes, and back muscles.

One of the key benefits of Pilates for weight loss is that it can help build lean muscle mass. Compared to fat, muscle has a higher resting metabolic rate, meaning that a higher muscle mass results in a higher daily caloric requirement. Incorporating pilates into your fitness routine can increase your muscle mass and boost your metabolism. This, in turn, can lead to more efficient fat-burning and weight loss.

But will pilates give me a flat stomach? Yes, but there are some essential things to keep in mind. Pilates can help tone the abdomen muscles, resulting in a more defined waistline and improved posture. However, it is essential to note that targeted fat loss is impossible. In other words, doing crunches or other abdominal exercises will not directly reduce belly fat.

How To Use Pilates To Lose Weight?

To achieve a flat stomach, you must reduce your overall body fat percentage through diet and exercise. Pilates can be an effective tool in this process, but it is not a magic solution. Working with a certified pilates instructor can help you develop a personalized workout plan targeting your fitness goals.

In conclusion, pilates can be a valuable component of a weight loss program that includes a healthy diet and regular exercise. While pilates alone may not lead to significant weight loss, it can help build lean muscle mass, boost metabolism, and improve overall wellness.

In addition, pilates can also be an effective way to tone the muscles of the abdomen, resulting in a flatter stomach and improved posture. Clients can also access a team of professionals to help them create a well-rounded weight loss plan promoting overall health. This team will usually include certified pilates instructors and nutritionists who work together to tailor a program to each client’s personal goals of achieving a flat stomach.

The concept of ergonomics is starting to play an imperative role in promoting workplace wellness and best practices when it comes to workstation use. Regardless of the popularity, the work posture has always been an often-overlooked area, which should, however, be adapted, alongside using ergonomic work concepts. Simply, using ergonomic workspace designs, equipment, and furniture will do nearly nothing when not combined with effective work posture adjustments.

Nearly half of the adult working population is believed to suffer from some form of work posture related to repetitive stress or injuries requiring a physiotherapist in the long run. Bad posture has also taken a significant toll on working efficiency and overall workplace productivity.

Here is more on the importance of adopting a good posture at work.

Prevents Many Musculoskeletal Injuries

According to the Liberty Mutual Research Institute for Safety, poor posture at work is a major contributing factor for many musculoskeletal injuries – which rank high among the most common disabling job-related injuries. This includes back pain, strains, sprains, and other types of overuse and repetitive stress injuries.

The chances of developing musculoskeletal injuries as a result of bad working posture are very common among all types of workplaces, ranging from offices to more strenuous work environments such as construction sites, health care facilities, warehouse work, or manufacturing jobs.

Adapting a good work posture goes a long way in keeping your body and its related musculoskeletal system in healthy balance and structure. This should, however, be paired with the right ergonomic work setting.

Maintains Good Body Mechanics

Practicing good posture at work, the place where you spend more than half of your day is crucial to the proper alignment of bones, joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves. They ensure their ability to work together smoothly and efficiently. Failing to uphold this can restrict your range of motion, making it difficult to do simple routine tasks.

Smooth, efficient motion, known as good body mechanics in physiotherapy – ensures that stress is evenly distributed as one sits, stands, walks, lifts, twists, pushes, or pulls, reducing the probabilities of wear and tear on the body – especially in the joints, muscles, and connective tissues.

Frees Up Breathing And Makes You Energised

Lazy and incorrect posture can make breathing seem like more work than it needs to be. Normally, when slumped over in a poor seated position, you must put more effort into breathing deeply. This can interfere with concentration and attention levels while at work, needing frequent breaks.

Similarly to this, bad or slouched postures can force your muscles to work hard to hold you up in position. The outcome is you start to use more energy, making you feel fatigued and out of energy to carry on with your day.

Adopting the right posture can give your lungs and diaphragm more room to expand and contract as you breathe and, most importantly, make you feel energised with efficient energy use and less chance of fatigue.

Poor posture can also affect your pelvis, causing pelvic floor dysfunction, which later leads to urinary retention, pain during intercourse, and constipation. It can also affect digestive health, causing stomach issues like acid reflux and heartburn.

Some may also develop a special kind of headache called cervicogenic headaches, which originate from neck pain and joint strain.

The right way to deal with bad posture is to consult a physiotherapist or chiropractor from a reliable wellness centre specialising in treating work-related posture problems.

Dry needling is a modern treatment performed by qualified and professional physiotherapy experts, chiropractors, and other doctors certified in practising the technique to alleviate and recover musculoskeletal pain and movement issues.

The name comes from the nature of the treatment, which uses actual needles with no liquids, non-invasively inserted into your body. The needles are pierced into and under your skin to the affected, tension-tight, inflamed areas of the body or trigger points. This is a commonly painless procedure, and your body, especially the muscle fibers, will naturally respond to the treatment with a sudden spastic twitch response.

What many don’t know about this unique procedure is that it is versatile and can treat many different types of pain. This article will list some common pains you didn’t know dry needling could help.


This condition occurs when the sciatic nerve that runs from your back through your legs is injured, pulled, or impacted. Sciatica can be caused by many factors, including the narrowing of the spine caused by lumbar stenosis and the tightened muscles caused by piriformis syndrome.

With the help of dry needling a therapist or other qualified professional from a wellness centre can identify the impacted areas and insert a needle around the area of narrowing or trigger points. The air from these dry needles and its stimulation can widen the narrowed spacing or tightened muscles, thereby greatly reducing the resulting pain from the condition.

Neck Pain

When we feel stressed, we often tend to hold our neck and head rigidly, which can easily result in the formation of muscle knots or highly sensitive trigger points. This pain in the neck can radiate into the head, down to the back, and even go all the way to the upper extremities.

In most neck pain cases, these knots can be quickly spotted and palpated accordingly. Depending on the severity of the neck pain, a therapist can use one or several needles to target the area where the stress and neck pain has accumulated. The procedure releases the trigger points, giving relief as the pain fades away.

Headaches and Migraines

Some types of headaches and migraines occur from overstimulated body parts. They mainly occur because trigger points become overly sensitive, such as in the base of the skull, neck region, or top of the shoulders. These sensitive areas can be caused due to stress or postural issues tightening muscles and forming knots.

The pressure from these areas radiates into the head and the skull region causing painful headaches or migraines. Dry needling helps to relax and loosen the areas where the pain originates. This relaxing mechanism is just about the same way how dry needling works to treat anxiety disorder and stress.

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder areas are prone to pressure, stress, and related pain because of how we wear backpacks, bags, and purses, react to stressful situations, adapt postures, and carry children in some cases. The pain from this region can easily travel to other body parts by radiating through the nerves. Dry needling can help to release this pain as well.

Joint Pain

We get joint pains because of repetitive motions and other acute injuries. Joint pains can occur anywhere from shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, and ankles. Using dry needling in these painful regions surrounding the joints can help to relax the muscles after overuse or injury and thereby regain their normal levels of elasticity. This then makes it easy to reduce pain and resume normal activities without movement restrictions.

As useful as a scale can be, it’s important to emphasize that you can’t see much of your body mass composition in those numbers. All you see is how much you weigh, and it is entirely possible for these numbers to fluctuate, even if you are strictly working out and eating clean. This is why obsessing over the scale can be overwhelming, especially if one’s main goal is weight loss.

The truth is that the scale does not give a full representation of your body. This is exactly where Inbody tests come in, giving the ability to conduct a full body composition analysis.

What Is It?

The Inbody test measures body composition using a method called bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). This method sends a small alternating current through the body, generating a highly accurate measurement of a person’s body fat, including the composition of water content, lean mass, overall weight, fat and more. In other words, it gives you a proper body composition assessment in less than a minute and is expected to be 98% accurate.


The Inbody test has not only changed how we measure weight, but it also helps us measure body fat, muscle or body mass, and water retention and their distribution throughout the body. All these data provide a clear vision of where you stand in terms of your body, fitness, or weight loss goals.

Details such as body mass index (BMI), basal metabolic rate (the number of calories burned at a resting rate), and segmental body mass measurements produced in the Inbody test give a comprehensive picture of how your body uses energy and how it functions.

You, your trainer, or your nutritionist can then effectively process these data to track your progress and adjust plans accordingly. In fact, this body composition analysis helps to reach fitness goals efficiently and with much clarity. You can also learn about where you collect water in your body (edema), which can indicate any injury or inflammation, and take early preventative steps.

What To Expect During An Inbody Scan

The procedure is completely non-invasive and barely takes a few minutes. Firstly you will have to wipe your hands and feet. Doing this is key to helping the Inbody scale obtain an accurate reading. Once you are ready, you will just have to step onto the scale without shoes.

Details such as your height, age, and sex will be entered into the machine. Then you will have to hold the hand sensors given to you on either side of the machine with your hands outstretched at about waist level with your thumbs on the sensors. That’s all!

Once the scale has completed the reading, it will produce a detailed printing explaining your unique body composition analysis.

How To Prepare For The Most Accurate Results

Watch your diet the day before you take the test. Make sure to hydrate well, avoid caffeine-related products, and do not eat 3-4 hours before the test. It is also highly recommended to stop consuming alcohol at least 24 hours before the test.

Avoid taking a shower or going to the sauna before the test, and it’s best to stop any form of exercise at least 6-12 hours before the test. For women, it is advised not to take the test during the menstrual period, as total body water can be higher than normal.

While taking the test, remove all footwear, including socks, pantyhose, and any other heavy clothing like jewelry, belts, or jackets. If you are in cold weather, warm yourself up for 20 minutes prior to the test. Use the bathroom before taking the test, and start measuring after standing for at least 5 minutes.

Please consult a physician before testing if you are pregnant or have medical implants such as pacemakers and other life-sustaining medical implants. Following these simple steps can ensure you are getting the most accurate results with your Inbody test.

Life is very interesting, where in the end, some of your greatest pains become your greatest strengths. But we human beings are complex, and not everyone approaches happiness and sorrows the same way. So even if we face varying emotions, thoughts, feelings, and experiences when compared to one another, what connects everyone is that, at some point, we all have to experience downs and lows in life.

While some are good at managing the challenges in their life, some are incapable of doing it or just don’t know how to. In such cases, their dispersed emotions can make them feel worse, needing the help of professionals like a clinical psychologist. The truth is that this becomes the only last resort to restore their mental health and live happily again.

But how do you know it’s time to see a psychologist? How do you make sure you visit one before these emotions affect your mental health? Here are some alarming signs to watch out for.

Difficult Stage of Transitions

If you are in some important transition stage in your life and feel mentally and physically weak, then it’s time to see a psychologist. In life, it’s natural to come to some transition stages, whether it’s changing jobs, moving to another country, getting married, having kids, or even going through a divorce. However, when these changes don’t positively affect your mind and your daily routine or make you feel unstable and miserable, it’s time to get help from a psychologist.

Continuous Feeling Of Low-self Esteem

Feeling low, sad, or less confident about oneself is something anybody would experience in their lifespan. But if these persist for a long time or if you feel you are not good enough no matter how much you have accomplished or how far you have come in life, then it’s a red flag and is a clear sign you need help. Having low self-esteem could also be rooted in childhood trauma, and it needs proper healthy interventions that can help you overcome them and redefine a pessimistic mindset about yourself and your life.

Thoughts Of Self-Harm

Have you been feeling worthless or that even though you have solutions for some problems in life, you feel like you are not worth living? Has it escalated to the point that you have thought of harming yourself? If yes, this is a critical sign that you should pay attention to.

It is, in fact, an alarming thought that says you need a counsellor or a psychologist. They can help you overcome this state of mind and make you live a happy life again. However, remember that harming yourself will not yield any result but only cause damage to yourself and worry your family and friends.

Experiencing Emotional Disbalance

Going through emotional turbulence or emotional disbalance is part of life every once in a while. There are times we want to cry out loud but can’t. Sometimes we may bottle up our emotions by not sharing them with anyone, or there may be stages where we cannot handle our feelings and feel completely heartbroken.

Our focus, attention, productivity, and overall quality of life are significantly affected by our emotions and how we respond to them. If you feel you are having a hard time understanding and reflecting on your feelings or having an emotional imbalance, then you should seek help from either an emotional coach or a psychologist.

Understanding your mind is one of the most challenging things to do since immemorial, but fortunately it is not entirely impossible. It’s true that our brain is multifunctional and can sometimes become a confusing mess. Think of it, how many times have we found ourselves with mixed thoughts, feelings, ideas, solutions, and memories while trying to stay focused on something else?

Cognitive psychologists have tried to make sense of this for many years and have finally come somewhat closer to constructively understanding and defining one’s mind. This article will list down some easy ways to better understand your mind to gain clarity in life and the decisions you make.

Read and Research

Reading and researching are one of the best ways to understand your mind. There are many different books written about the art of psychology and persuasion.

Calm Clarity by Due Quach, The Performance Cortex by Zach Schonbrun, The Leading Brain by Friederike Fabritius and Hans W. Hagemann, Brain Food by Lisa Mosconi Ph.D. and The Brain Warrior’s Way by Daniel G. Amen, M.D. and Tana Amen BSN, R.N. are some fantastic books to start with.

Interestingly, some religions like Islam and Buddhism have a wide variety of literature and preachings that reflects and describes the more esoteric nature of the mind. Similarly, there are also some cultural and distinctly unique philosophies native to each country on how one can understand their mind and thoughts.

They may be opposite to those in the west, but these contrasts are an excellent way to increase understanding of how the mind works and how to listen to it.


Meditating is another underrated or overlooked way to understand your mind and soul. In simple terms, meditation is the act of observing your thoughts. It is one of the quickest and most widely recognized ways to listen to your mind. This is precisely why meditation is an essential part of Buddhist philosophy and practice that is extremely concerned with the mind and its various delusions, misunderstandings, and cravings.

Even if you may be intelligent or smart, to progress and collect your thoughts, you need to be able to stand outside yourself and isolate your mind. Otherwise, you will repeat the habits and thinking patterns, not being able to truly interpret your thoughts.

If you need help with how to meditate, there are plenty of youtube videos online teaching basics to advanced types of meditations for your mind, soul, and body. Including yoga or going to yoga classes as part of your wellness routine can also help you better understand your mind. While meditation is not the same as yoga, it is part of the yoga lifestyle.

Learn From Your Emotions

Your mind has the power to generate your reality. Our emotions are the perfect response to how we feel about a particular situation or current-environment. Emotions are the real-time natural, sophisticated feedback system that lets us know if we feel happy or sad about the things happening in our life. If you need professional help in learning your emotions, then an emotional coach is a reliable choice to get started with.

Understanding your emotions makes it easy to match your thoughts and clearly distinguish between what matters to you and those that don’t. It helps you steer clear on which events need a reaction and those that don’t.

That alone makes it simple to define your thoughts and confidently make decisions. While this may sound confusing, with time, you will be able to understand how intricate and effective your emotional system is in serving to guide your thoughts and decisions in life.

Besides that, you can also seek professional help through a psychologist from a wellness clinic who can set the right foundation and provide you with a roadmap on how to understand your mind and effectively interpret its thoughts.

You would have probably heard of the term “positive psychology” in health talk shows, TV, radio, or even live speeches. But have you thought of what exactly it is? Or do you remember the last time you had a positive outlook on life or a troubled situation?

New research says that the millennial generation, ages 18 to 33, is reporting more stress, depression, and anxiety, because of financial, career and relationship pressure- persuading them to develop a long-term pessimistic outlook on life.

The talk of viruses, wars, climate disasters, and economic collapses has added to this stress further making worry like an old-trusted friend. So when they don’t know what to rely on, they always lean back on negativity.

This is one of the primary reasons positive psychology has taken widespread preaching by mental health experts, life and emotional coaches, and psychologists. For those hearing this for the first time, here is a brief beginner’s guide on this branch of psychology built on professional insights.

The Concept

Positive psychology, in simple terms, is a science of fostering positive aspects of human life, such as happiness, prosperity, well-being, flourishing, gratitude, and productivity. In the words of its founder, Martin Seligman, “It is the scientific study of positive human functioning and flourishing on multiple levels that include the biological, personal, relational, institutional, cultural, and global dimensions of life.”

It focuses more on the potential of individuals and not their shortcomings. It does not target resolving problems or issues but instead helps you identify and analyze things that can make your life worth living to the fullest with a happy and grateful mindset. In short, positive psychology is not a rapid transformational therapy or concept like making a -8 to -2, but it shows you how to convert a +2 to +8.

The Three Levels of Positive Psychology

Subjective level

Includes the study of positive experiences like well-being, satisfaction, happiness, contentment, joy, optimism, and flow. This level focuses on making you feel good rather than doing good for others or trying to be a good person as what the society perceives.

Individual level

In this second level, the focus is on identifying the constituents of a “good life” and the personal qualities necessary for being a “good person .” This is usually achieved by studying human strengths and virtues, capacity for love and respect, courage, forgiveness, perseverance, future-mindedness, gratitude, wisdom, interpersonal skills, originality, and giftedness.

Group level

At this last stage of the group level, the focus is on social responsibilities, civic virtues, nurturance, altruism, tolerance, civility, work ethics, positive institutions, and other factors that contribute to the development of citizenship and communities.

The Significance

One of the most significant benefits of cultivating positive psychology is that it teaches you the power to shift your perspectives to achieve a positive life. All the exercises, techniques, and strategies used in the entire program will help you make small but sustainable changes that lead to significant shifts in improved well-being and quality of life.

Injecting optimism and gratitude into your life is a simple action that can radically improve a positive outlook on life. Of Course, no respected clinical psychologist will tell you to be positive all the time, but they would show you how having a healthy positive mind balance can make your life more manageable and less stressful.

The right balance of a positive mind can help you approach the downs in life more strategically. This also helps in preventing the development of diseases that have a strong connection with your mental health and outlook on life.

Studies show that pessimistic people had nearly a 20% higher risk of dying over 30 years than optimistic people. Similarly, people who had a good track of gratitude for the things in their life had fewer physical complaints than others and were also able to change unhealthy thinking patterns and keep their minds mentally sharp.